Skippy the McWaffle

Well, sometimes on the way back from work I just might get the need to pull over and emergency wax my car. Basic wrenching tools are a low priority when compared to wax. Mechanical emergencies be damned! I gotta wax!

Well, sometimes on the way back from work I just might get the need to pull over and emergency wax my car. Basic

haha what ?

Just K24, KA24 is the nissan truck engine that found itself in the S13/14.

Strangely, I would see it as a wash. You might have some folks tune out but otherwise might tune in because of the possibility that MB isn’t guaranteed the championship.

*Nervous Laughter*

You think that a 4500lb Camry with 30 more horsepower will be faster than a 2800lb YarisGR?

I know I have to remove the fasteners. Kindly tell me where the hell the last one is. *throws manual across shop*

Why do people act so surprised that america has high demand for cars?  It’s literally the only consistent way to get around our country. 

“and destroying the profitable and sustainable career of taxi driving if it’s not going to fund some quixotic pursuit?”

Mandatory retirement should be legal here. Old people not retiring blocks younger people from moving up.

*waves to neighbors*

First, congratulations on the completion of your degree Kelly. Bravo!

Whoa there buddy! I cannot let some dirty Chevy tech touch my Cadillac. What if my Cadillac catches the poor and passes it to me? Transmission vector is real.

I wrote a long paper in 4th grade about something similar. I had noticed a dogfood was advertising that all of their meat used had gone through the USDA testing process. Well duh... that’s how it ended up as dog food. But the ever discerning average consumer thought this was a plus... I didn’t particularly care, pointe

Second Gear: Cadillac is trying to shed excess weight as car sales diminish due to a lowering user volume ceiling in the future. Problem is, they’re being stupid about it by bribing people to go away. You’ve had fifty five years to learn that doesn’t work, GM. Fifty five goddamn years.

Fourth Gear: Oh, so it takes

Oooohhh, that looks like it’ll feel very comfortable on your lower spine! Sign me up...

Annoying since I’m finally in a place where a used car makes sense, so I may just go used. Then the prices jacked up.

But - at the end of the day, I’m still looking to pay ~$20k instead of ~$35k. Which is still 15k less. 

He should have just complied.

Yup. Call me a commie all day long if you like, but in a country as rich as this one every single person should have access to the basic necessities of life. That means food, water, shelter, education, healthcare, and mobility. Doesn’t have to be fancy, but nobody should be hungry, thirsty, homeless, ignorant, sick,