Skippy the McWaffle

Ah man, so that vague patent photo about some manner of car that I’d never be able to afford anyways and could only ever hope to appreciate on screen has been turned into a vague video game photo about some manner of digital car that I’ll never have enough CR to afford and will only be able to appreciate it on another

it was his car.

Brilliant! Now I see our strategy for stopping their missile tests.

And you clearly don’t read because it was stated that the cop made an “educated guess” on the person’s speed and the cop was going below the speed limit when he was passed.

Still, I’m not entirely convinced the Honda enthusiast market would or even should accept a $51,000 Civic.

There have been idiots from the dawn of time. Leave millenials out of this.

She yearns for Mr Chapman.

Classic case of misinterpretation. That’s not what people mean when they say, “Install a Coyote up front.”

That’s what happens when someone forgets to lock the dieselgate.

What’s the difference between Arie Jr. and Marco Andretti? Arie’s dad doesn’t have an ego the size of Texas and a wallet as deep as the Great Lakes.

Actual photo of pilot

Our cars are actually flood rated. They contain so much plastic, they actually float.

I have two bricks and a wheat for trade.

Why do you have two cars...

Pensky vs Joest vs WTR.....

Big deal. I found half of a sleeping UAW worker under the 3rd row of my Traverse.

There’s a photography trope that says, “the best camera is the one you have with you.” The idea is that the best photographs aren’t always the ones that are sharpest, or have the most accurate color, or the most megapixels; but rather the best photographs capture a moment that moves you, and those moments pass

They paid $35k for a mediocre car 14 years ago and want $40k for a car that would be considered garbage by current standards. Acting like this car is great while Chevy SS’s, which are far superior in every way, rot on dealers lots and got canceled is what is wrong with internet car culture.

Oh look, how creative, a Nazi hiding in Argentina. I did nazi this joke coming.

My 2017 Charger R/T Scat pack is a Muscle car through and through. A straight-line monster with no frills, buuuut it happens to be a whale of a sedan. Is that a problem under the official definition of muscle car presented here?