Skippy the McWaffle

Re: Subaru

But you didn’t buy this car for raw speed, you bought it because you wanted a car that had a Porsche badge on it.

Please come save my day. Arrest me with your Swedish charm.

get a manual SX4 get a turbo kit from RRM

ZF’s transmissions have been a thorn in Jeep’s side for the Cherokee, Grand Cherokee, Renegade, and a bunch of other FCA models. They’ve not only suffered recalls, but the recalls failed to fully fix their problems. Anton Yelchin’s death was the most high profile case of ZF’s shifters on its 8-speed being problematic.

had to open two tabs with just the pics too see the difference, very very subtle  

There’s already plenty of McLarens in America’s Most Fun Racing Series:

3rd Gear:

Never give up on your dreams, Paseo!

His LaFerrari is the colour of mom’s spaghetti, it’s serviced, paint surface so smooth and red-y, a V-12, but he keeps on forgettin’ what the weight of the right door is so now, He opens the door, but he just can’t get out, He’s chokin’, how, everybody’s jokin’ now, The clocks run out, times up, over, blaow! Snap back

His palms are sweaty, arms weak, doors heavy, something something LaFerrari.

Everyone shits on these movies but as a 31 year old, this franchise has basically been something I’ve looked forward too for like half my life. I don’t even care how bad some of them may be or how they’ve drifted away from cars. I just like these and will always go see them.

Uhhh... have y’all ever been to Troy? It’s actually pretty nice. I’m confused.

so we can make shit go faster than it did stock. next question?

shut up.

What a waste. The pope burning some guest laps in a 919 would have been utterly priceless.

Probably ‘or something.’

As the owner of two Mazda’s and a lover of the brand all I have to say is fuck you Mazda. I’m so fucking sick of execs hyping up shit that never happens. No, the Miata isn’t enough on its own to represent Mazda in the sportscar world. Where is the speed 3, the speed 6, fuck even a speed Miata would satisfy me to some

I love it when we rail against SUVs...