Skippy the McWaffle

My mom has a 99 4runner and I’ve replaced a lot of parts on it. If she didn’t have me around to be able to help work on it, I’d definitely advise her to get a newer car.

I had covid beginning of this month (had to miss an open track day, fuck you covid) and I am vaccinated with 1 booster. I haven’t gotten the second booster because I ended up losing weight wasn’t in the “high risk” category like when I got my first booster. I had a stuffy nose as well as sore throat but absolutely no

Fees we are ok paying at dealerships:

“win on Sunday, sell on Monday”

Neutral: I’ve got a mustang that gets 20+ MPG and a Yamaha FZ6 that gets prius mileage. I’m going to be ok.

It was 2008, my first title-in-my-name car was a manual 2001 Honda Civic coupe. It got totaled when someone illegally turned left in front of me. There were a series of shitboxes after that because my dad didn’t believe I should buy a sensible car to get me back and forth to college. My stupid ass agreed and thought

Those brakes drag afterwards, Ford would never implement such a safe solution if it affected their inflated fuel economy numbers.

Red Comet! 

The kind of dumb shit you get to do when you have so much money, helping people in need seems like a worst idea than trying to build something that won’t benefit anyone.


I grew up in the Los Angeles area (Redondo Beach specifically) and went to university at CSUN. Growing up I found the great coastal driving roads around Palos Verdes was plenty fun for a teenage me. When I started an internship in the city, I decided instead of taking the 405, just take the greenbelt through manhattan

I love your Monowi, Nebraska article. Really helped me get through the beginning of the pandemic when everyone was locked down. Hope to see some of that great writing!

A lil scoot scoot to come in the boot of your car

Did you get the Fed tax credit?

I haven’t been here long enough to smell a difference, but I do think someone near me had chipotle for lunch.

A refreshing article, thanks for your insight! I have the same last name as Checo Perez, and although I do a bit of driving for work (calibration engineer) I don’t believe we are related :(

I wanna take my pup 4 wheeling. Except, she’d probably just wanna be out and about sniffing and exploring while I try to get myself unstuck from all this mud we’ve gotten from the rain. April showers do hopefully STOP WHEN IT’S MAY so that we get to enjoy the flowers.

I sorta started my new position at work this week and I can already tell I love what I’m going to be doing as well as get along pretty awesomely with my new coworkers.

Doug?? is that you???

Mustangs, all of em. I remember you could buy a fox for like 500 dollars, fix, and have a fun daily. Now they’re hard to find, the next gen SN95 is somewhat more available, but getting more expensive, which begs the question why not save up a bit more and get an S197. Then if you’re going for one of those, why not