what about FZ6?
what about FZ6?
Beverly Hills? Probably something normal with a crazy wrap.
It’s a win-win. Ford pulled out of Japan, and Carlos probably never wants to go back there anyways.
Oof, starting at 21K? I thought compact cars started around 16-18K.
You mean Electronic Parkbrake?
I’m so happy someone is still shitting on those mirrors. They don’t look good.
Which one will depreciate faster? Looking at getting one of these in my life.
Gas prices don’t hike up overnight, and I’m guessing that the Big 2.5 would still be going through the motions of certifying a vehicle currently sold in other markets to be sold here. Proof: Saw a next gen fiesta and focus driving around Dearborn a couple weeks ago.
The only saving grace for some of these companies is that they still sell the vehicles cut from NA (Fiesta, Focus, etc.) elsewhere. The time required to launch and roll it out, and be competitive in the segment is the risk they take.
I’m gonna wait until the next 911, it should be better than this one.
You are my hero.
Surprise surprise. If you can’t see the road, you don’t know where you’re going.
Tell me what to put in my RX-8 that is cheaper than a Renesis rebuild.
Really hope the auto 8 speed is a ZF 8 speed. That thing can read my thoughts, and I’m ok with that.
Oh cool, Toyota is bringing the Supra back! I wonder how long they’ve been working on it.
This is the question I was always looking forward to answering:
I can’t wait for the youtube videos/comments:
Not paying near original MSRP on a car with miles and wear.