Blame RBG, literally refused to retire even after getting diagnosed with cancer
Blame RBG, literally refused to retire even after getting diagnosed with cancer
This is what happens when Democrats don’t have a message or a serious agenda to rally behind. They sat on their hands for decades and could never explain to people that Republicans are using the government to take your rights and freedoms away.
I blame Democrats. Multiple decades, and multiple majorities, went by without them codifying Abortion into law and making it near unassailable. Instead they chose to sit on a OPINION (which is always subject to change whether we like it or not) and use the threat of overturning it as a carrot for their base. It’s easy…
The fraction of people who would be mad about it are not gettable votes, and they’d forget it as soon as the next Immigrant Caravan on Fox News.
But frankly if the allegations are incidents like the one about whether he’d beaten her on the plane after taking a load of booze and drugs then his own communications saying he was so drunk/high he blacked out and couldn’t remember anything is a relevant reference to it when he’s claiming he was perfectly sober and…
The difference though was that they brought up in cross his own words that contradicted his claims. He’d claim he could perfectly remember events only for his texts to say he’d “blacked out”.
Fault? She is not a perfect victim, the long suffering wife who never fought back. She is imperfect and has previously assualted a former girlfriend.
I like how the implication is that she’s attention seeking by having a lawsuit filed *against* her by a man who *definitely* isn’t attention seeking and acting out of spite himself.
So, she has to be “without fault” in order to not be bankrupted, and have her mental competency questioned? While Depp gets to admit to using illicit drugs, writes that he wants to kill Heard, rape her dead body and then burn it and all he’s JUST an asshole? That’s a pretty big double standard here.
Can we just hurry up and have him lose this case too so we can all move on? As though the UK trial (which proved he can be called a ‘wife beater’ because he technically *is* a person who beat his wife) wasn’t enough. Please stay cancelled Johnny.
But all the smart people in the comments section have said Biden -can’t- use an Executive Order to forgive any amount!
You just know he has no actual plans to do it, or he’d have done it ages ago, this is just another empty promise that’ll spin out to the midterms then drop immediately afterwards in the name of “compromise”.
More blah blah blah...Get back to me when its done. Enough with these pre-midterm baitings!
Don’t clean dirty underwear, replace them. Don’t be gross.
What is the difference between the party that’ll throw you under the bus based on ideology, or the one that’ll throw you under the bus based on inability to get their act together? Either way you end up under the bus.
Gotta say, it is distressingly surprising how many people want to blame anyone but the single most poker full person on earth, who actively sought this job after decades being one of the most powerful politicians in America, and made promises to get that job that he is now breaking. It is young voters fault for not…
Yeah, exactly. Who cares about fascism when it’s the Democrats doing it? There are still kids in cages, in case you forgot. And then there was that time that Joe Biden executed an Afghani aid worker and 7 of his kids out of revenge. And there’s the fact that the Democrats have done fuck all to address violence…
There-in explains the EXACT reason we need better history education in schools. The bully pulpit isn’t about BULLYING. Theodore Roosevelt coined the term and by ‘bully’, me means ‘excellent’ or ‘superb’. The phrase means you have an excellent position to raise awareness of an issue.
Could it also be that the President’s powers are also semi-vague and presidents from Teddy Roosevelt to Trump found ways to get their agenda pushed through and at times deliberately bypassed Congress to do so?
More likely his approval rating is tanking because people fully understand the implications of the phrase “Bully Pulpit” despite it not appearing in any ‘official’ role of the President and see the President absolutely refusing to use it in any capacity.