
While everyone bitches about people’s “outrage” in the comment thread, you completely nailed the dangers of forming our thoughts on depression/mental illness into headlines like the one above. Thank you.

I’ll repeat myself: if he were a lady married to a woman or a man I’d say the same.

Well to be fair, I meant that in response to everyone worrying about their protection. If he were a lady, I’d say the same. As in, the shit is raining down on them because of him.

Oh wahh, honey. His wife hunts with him.

Wtf yes, actually. I would not let anyone touch my mouth or rest o’ body who was trained to devalue life. Veterans extremely included.

If he has a pet, kill it for sport. Immediately.

Let him figure out the logistics of protecting the lives he’s responsible for after he exposed his nauseating cruelty. He opened this door and sympathy is notttt walking through it.

“If I wanna floss I got my own” does not have anything to do with JLo sharing her bathroom items in that ancient as hell song.

I think they just gave us a new white people jpg to add to the roster.

Gerl, I am with you on the cystic acne.

Cheers, Roger Sterling, you hero.

Actual question: how the fuq we get adblocker on our phones. So tired of the skip down phenomenon on mobile.

God I forgot how much I love no1curr.

#WalkoffNetflix was started by Native Americans. It asks allies to quit Netflix in solidarity with them, and not give the service money anymore.

Ooo thanks for the brand ID. I wouldn’t mind trying that.

I basically reshape my eyebrows to their beautiful maximum levels when I go sans mascara. Surprisingly often I feel like a warrior fashion model in them.

Ditto. Minus the mascara - that bitching stuff is so hard to get off that I save it for the dinner parties, never the day to day.

Well all that is great, but Laverne Cox isn’t dodging legal issues after killing someone with her car, either.

Yep. I hope you looked into my interaction on this thread too then, to get a better judgement of a bad day I was having.

Yeah we always have to be careful not to actually trigger ourselves more with substances (including sugar rushes at 3pm and then I do no work then I freak out on Fridays at 5, amirite).

I have a dear friend who has no trace of anxiety - like none at all. She is decidedly weirded out by how much I freely discuss my

I really needed this advice a long time ago. Preach!