
American Hustle or Wolf of Wall Street?

Oh I can think of a far better solution:

Epic press conference potential.

That gif is amazing. If it is the only thing left of humanity when the iOS 7 robots take over, it will be a fitting depiction of all that was good.

Will the backlash against this article, and against college "amateurism" in general, lead to less investigative journalism by SI about NCAA players being paid?

Think a can of Country Club Malt Liquor has ever been drunk at a country club or by someone in a country club?

The worst things bought to commemorate 9/11: Iraq and Afghanistan

Rafi Bomb

Yes +1000000 if they respond, "No, but I love Family Guy!"

Would you rather live in a world without alcohol or without the internet?

Bra-fucking-vo Timmy.

That's unpossible.

Let's say Barack Obama calls an emergency press conference, walks to the podium and announces aliens have landed on Earth. This is all the information he gives. How much does the social order instantly break down?

I have long running, high stakes bet with a friend that Ryan Mallet won't make the Pro Bowl by the year 2020. Do you think the recent format changes help or hurt my chances. And yes, we're both idiots.

Isn't Riley Cooper's real crime attending a Kenny Chesney concert?

Has Simmons asked you to create a metric to determine an actor's "movie-stariness" yet?

Are you a betting man? If so, what bookie would be dumb enough to take your bets?