
Absolutely, but my statement applies to far more that just MRA and PUA shitheads! There are plenty of people in this very community to which this sentiment fully applies, whether it's career failures or being overweight. People get far too comfortable defining themselves as victims, all in an effort to avoid

This, this, this and this. Fuck the MRAs and fuck their victimhood. Fuck all of you who think the world owes you sympathy for your hard feelings. Life is hard enough without living under the thumb of someone else's disappointment.

Trust me, you're not offending me[...]

I'm not "awash in victimhood," but that was a really cool generalization and assumption coming from someone who thinks that only the other commenters on the site are responsible for making those!

[J]okes on every female in the school aren't really "harmless," unless you think you can speak for half the graduating class.

You have entirely missed the point. The point — the same point I made from the get go — is that people internalize their opinions, and that what is often characterized as dehumanization, is in fact pushing back on bad science. It's one thing to subjectively say "I can't look at someone and say whether they are or

Now playing

I'm not sure how you separate your opinions about your physical self from your identity but whatever, partner. You keep being you.

No adult deserves love, neither fat people nor nice guys in fedoras. Adults deserve respect, sure. But not love.

Of course fat people are people.