
Big companies have said, ‘OK, this is the best way to generate good, steady revenue.’ That’s led to a stagnation, I feel. Hayao Miyazaki commented on this. He talked about how it’s become a very circular, almost inbred kind of industry.

The problem is that getting adequate healthcare in the US is not at all the same thing as saving up to buy a new car.

1984, on the other hand...

A member of the South Carolina Secessionist Party asked my sister out once, but she turned him down. Said they were way too many red flags.

“Most horrifically, if we are still able to identify horror in our daily stew of urgent and physically-sickening emotions, is that Trump hasn’t really been all that involved in the writing of his executive orders (not that he’d likely help) and didn’t mean to appoint Steve Bannon, his white supremacist chief advisor

Haha, you seem to have misunderstood the term equality! :P “Some animals are more equal than others” and all that.

labia folds length?

You lost me at Megatron being an autobot.

Whether something is good or bad depends on the amount for many things.

HAHAHA! :D in my defence it was fixed within a day changing invisible cats to simple x markers in Old World Radio v5.01. ;) (as demonstrated in the video included in the article.)

Or better yet, don’t move your shit and teach your kids to leave it alone. Source: I’m a father of 2.

Counterpoint: remove objects which kids can put things into things, out of their reach, especially if said object is important to one’s career?

Your affinity for asses and tities is apparent. I’m confident you’ll impregnate millions of these shedemons in no time.

The sidequest are totally boring, but it’s funny. So many people look at that as a knock against open world games, but I actually like it when games have a steady stream of boring, but fulfilling side quests. I don’t know why I exactly like doing them when it’s so boring, but give me an hour of doing fetchquests in

Actually, he generally opposed slavery and he and his wife funded efforts to free slaves in the South. He and his wife also set up a school for slaves (which was illegal, BTW). But he was a product of his time, too, and any idealism he may have held about slavery had to be tempered against what he considered to be

Look at that header image, New Donk City, Dixie street, Diddiy’s Mart, it’s Donkey Kongs Urban Jungle

Anyone else just see the clean version of this???

As long as it’s not loli or shota and well animated I welcome any and all fanservice.

The will of the people is the popular vote. The electoral college is specifically spurning the will of the people by voting for Trump.

Hah! You think THAT’S bad? Celesteela, one of the Ultra Beasts, is almost kaiju size.