I will say that that was a great remix of Cash Cash’s overtime, but I prefer The Noisy Freak’s version more.
Criticism is one thing, but when she worked on it and profited off of it then retrospectively cans it.....is called being a Hypocrite.
Im a bigger fan personally of how the fans have made her D.Va’s rival and Widow Maker, Reaper, and Sombra are now the evil family version of Mercy, 76, and D.Va.
I recommend Not Your Father’s Root Beer, which is beer that tastes like Root Beer. I should inform you that it’s a beer that you should sip as it does have a bitter aftertaste otherwise.
It crashed about 1 minute after I got into the fort in Helgan, but this time I can’t blame mods I have installed, because I didn’t install any yet.
They are adorable ♥_♥
So, okay... A few Japanese idols dressed up as Nazis for Halloween... Halloween, a day in which a lot of people dress up as monsters. Now do some people dress up in random costumes that have nothing to do with monsters or evil in general? Sure. But why can’t we give these girls the benefit of the doubt and say that…
This is complete bullshit. If you know somebody long enough, it’s only a matter of time before they lie for a good reason, break a promise they couldn’t possibly keep, or neglect a responsibility because they had too many other responsibilities.
With how often they get DDoSed, I’d say unavailable.net.
Thanks for that laugh! Here’s another great one:
Was this intentional
“This glitch is dumb, why should we EVER play games other than how they were intended? Learning interesting things about how games are put together is stupid and ruins things for everyone else”
The problem IS that they won’t make any difference, zombies in and of themselves are bland and characterless, they won’t say anything themselves or be used to say something.
I loved Kojima and Shinkawa’s replies:
Where we’re going, we won’t need eyes to see.
Good riddance, glad Valve finally took action and removed those bastards who were using their platform to harass and troll people (and make shitty games on the side when they aren’t out to harass and attack people for stating the obvious like they do all the time).