Well f*ck

I literally asked if a dude had kids, an ex, went through the court system (Bc I’m a lawyer and that’s what I do), and after 4 dates he told me he was married, but somehow I never asked.

A supportive boss is amazing. I had a great opportunity come up and took it and my boss yelled at me for a full day on and off. Good luck!

I had a Ph.D. teach me Latin, an amazing man teach me AP world and American history. A brilliant mathematician teach me 8 years of math in 4. I wrote a 10 page research paper that required going to the local college for sources which exposed me to a college library and made college papers seem less daunting. I grew up

You don’t think men who abuse women think their dick has power?

She was a victim of domestic violence. This was really flippant. Don’t tell care about his ordeal.

I think the word you were looking for in the title was raping.