
Shut yo mouth! !

I hate to be that guy ( he loves to be that guy ) but I really loved this episode. I think the writers are bringing us towards a Hoyt/Jessica Jason/Bridget, ending and I couldn't be happier for that. My only problem that I share with the reviewer is that Tara has been done wrong. Not just this season, but for the

Dollars to donuts, Rachel is going to have an eyepatch next season. It will probably be a very tasteful, cream-colored eyepatch.

Full disclosure: like many Americans, I watched Farscape out of order, catching some episodes well after their original run. I had managed to see most episodes both before and after the episode "Eat Me" before I finally caught it. It fucked my shit up. I can never rewatch it because it haunts my dreams. Everyone seems

Rachel was always the Illusive Man. That's how BioWare created the ending to that game: they made one ending, then cloned it.

My two cents: Sister Ingalls getting a full backstory was the thing my life needed, and I CANNOT BELIEVE SOSO GOT EVERYONE TO SING LISA LOEB WITH HER.

On the twelfth day of drag-mas, my RuPaul gave to me,
12 sponsored cocktails
11 Li'l Poundcakes
10 pit crew members
9 untucked battles
8 shady reads
7 snatch game victors
6 back rolls
5 thunderfucks
4 dancing Ornacias
3 sweaty gaffs,
2 lace-front wigs and,
Laganja's feeling attacked!

I was absolutely shocked that Ru's backup dancers kept their clothes on for the entire episode! Restraint? From RuPaul? I'm flabbergasted!

I'll be damned. This episode was legitimately good. I'm actually pleased there will be another season…As long as Agent Brock DeadDog is gone for good.
Until next season kids, Hail Hydra.

I thought the haircut and glasses made him look so much like Clark Kent I expected the camera to pan around to show the Daily Planet.
…In other words, I approve.

The one problem I had with the episode is that Alicia talked to herself—out loud—a lot this episode, and maybe she has done that in the past, but I have never noticed before, so it was either done badly, or with more frequency. Julianna Margulies has proven to be a good actress given subtle emotional beats in the

I know I may be mocked for this, but it must be said: I never considered Skye (or the writers of this show) to be actively stupid until she decided to save Ward's life and give up the codes to the SHIELD drive. It infuriated me in a way that no previous episode has.
Agent Fetch Redemption is not going to happen.

This was the funniest episode of the season, IMHO. There have been some real stinkers this year, but this was not one of them.

I can't have been the only one who recognized that the woman playing May's mother was also her costar in Joy Luck Club.

This. A thousand times this. I cannot upvote @Medrawt enough.

No, it was definitely the white nurse, and it was hands down the funniest thing said in the entire hour.

The biggest laugh by far from me was Terry's "Damn, Gina!"
The nineties will live forever in my heart.

I guess I'm the only one who really liked this episode. All the P&R disdain around here is why we can't have nice things.

"Falling in Love" has been playing on repeat in my head for weeks. I hope the rest of the album lives up to it, because for now I'm all in.

Goddamn, I miss Clone High.