Well Done

"Christmas was commercialized and Christian and all those things I loathed as a teenage punk." Well, thanks for admitting the anti-religious and anti-capitalist rhetoric thrown about by the hard left has its roots in juvenile punk-ass stupidity. It's a start.

Local activists blame contaminated water on fracking kittens.

You're right, men, no new news here. It extends beyond just random, semi-common sayings like "1 or 2 or 10". Back to the first Bush/Cheney campaign, the word "gravitas" suddenly saw widespread use. All the major alphabet news sources come up with the exact same phrases… and all tend to be rather staunchly

"our" society needs to stop referring to every issue as needing a "conversation". most folks making such calls, if the got their 'druthers, would likely prefer more of an "I talk, you listen and do" sort of thing. Calling for an intelligent convo only makes you look like you think you know best!


LOL I've only seen a few episodes of Homeland, but I've been appalled at the seemingly constant apologizing for Islam.

I think "Brain Stew" would be more up the High School, er, alley..


The Road Warrior was the real winner.

tchyeah, like anyone here is going to "listen" to you.

Dictionary Douche.

"one person is typing"? (heavy sigh) Dude, that is SO Zen!

On the other hand, the dog character Brian us SUCH a douche, I wouldn't mind if he came to a brutal ending at the end of every show, Kenny style.

I consider the importance of professionalism when I consult a Doctor, Lawyer, or porn star. Other than that, anything goes.

Ironically, saying something - anything - is "totes ridic" is, in fact, totally ridiculous. The gods of the English language will have their revenge, I assure you.

Over the years, it has become apparent that most of the people who say they "want their voices heard", really mean they want someone to "do what we say".
Such people need to shut up.

If Drew could turn back time, not get a breast reduction, and work hard at keeping her body fat down, she would be WAY more popular.  And richer.  And, probably, smarter.


heck, I'll get the jump and declare it the pile of shit of the year, right now.  BAM!

Morons.  No gay men in Ireland, you know why?  They are WAY too fugly!