
Yup. John Oliver put it really well when he called it the “clown town,fuck the world, shit show”. What’s super frustrating is republicans have gone so far right on basically everything that letting trans people use their bathroom of choice is considered “progressive” or “liberal”. It’s not! It’s just common human

Why? This is pretty much the gist of every jezebel post about Lemonade/Bey. Yes, it is embarrassing, but not just this one Instagram post.

For all of the people that feel this is not natural or “yucky”, I ask you to consider the fact that those feelings are based on how YOU feel without taking into consideration this has nothing to do with you. All marriages are not about sex or passion, many aren’t even about love - you know, arranged marriages. Would I

Not going to lie here; I do this all the time. And for a vintage cast iron skillet? Wouldn’t think twice. I’m astounded by what people leave on their curb, and I have no shame!

I want to punch you right through the internet, that’s how upsetting your comment is to me.

Acting. I find his music insanely easy to ignore.

Chris is the superior Hemsworth.

The Gr-eight Escape *sorry*

Not only did I not know who any of these people were, but I had to Urban Dictionary “boothang” before I figured out that you had smushed together “boo thang” and not “boot hang.” I am not with it.

Well, agree to disagree. I thought her comments came off as supportive of the conversation while acknowledging that she’s in a unique position and as such can’t contribute meaningfully to it.

But the Chrises get their own movies to be paid in. Black Widow doesn’t. So, they do make more overall.

It's made to keep the suuuuper religious women's wahoo covered and cool while doing activities without crossing that pant wearing line. We should never pretend this is hip. Never ever.

Shut your mouth. I loved my culottes. And guachos too.

I loved John Denver so much.

I like dinner at 5 :( :(

Any holiday that allows me to make and consume homemade chocolate eggs/bunnies/chicks for three days straight is not a garbage holiday. Excuse me while I eat another chocolate cream filled egg the size of a real egg.

Easter should be better than Christmas. All of us are born. This is supposed to be the day Jesus literally rises from the dead.

Yea, what's up with that?

I really don’t appreciate the reality check. I want everyone to fit into the tiny boxes of judgment I have created. So if you could 🤐.