
What’s interesting here is the relentless emphasis on budgeting and penny-saving—a good reminder we’re on the other side of the prosperous 1950s and now a woman’s job is to make that dollar stretch, not to request a bright pink appliance every year.

Evaporated milk on toast is the tastiest thing EVER.

If anyone’s curious why Mr. Wells starts off his statement with “Every time this happens,” well, let’s just say he has a long and sordid history of this kind of behavior. Specifically, he was the guy that made so much noise over Jennifer Lawrence being “too big” for The Hunger Games, and said that readers should

And what if you’d heard a fellow female journalist, sitting two seats away, call it “brutal“?

I need about a month of no more of this shit. seriously.

Yes. The entire year.

It’s been a whole YEAR. Is it safe to assume this piece of shit has been out on administrative leave WITH pay the whole time?

Those 16 bullets cost the taxpayers of Illinois $5 million, and a piece of their collective soul.

Amazon’s head of marketing needs to take a turn at the Wheel of Morality.

Nazi and Imperial Japanese insignia are ok. Period panty ads were way too much tho. God bless our country.

Of course. We are all about justice here in the U.S. Totes.

I think this is a “Cops got the best drugs” deal. She found out how to get her hands on some evidence.

Absolutely. No question.

I’m sure she’ll be treated the same as say, a male African American drug dealer with no DEA agent father?


This will be the last Behind Closed Ovens to appear on Kitchenette. It will not, however, be the last Behind Closed Ovens. Starting next Monday, November 30, the series will continue on Wonkette. If you’d like to read more crazy restaurant stories in the future, feel free to tune in over there at your

Godspeed, and I’ll be at Wonkette next Monday.

Thank you for everything, Pinkham. I will definitely follow you wherever you go, and continue to laugh, and laugh hard.

Pinkham, I am not going to lie, yours was a blog I had looked forward to commenting on each week, and during the typical Monday struggles of a mundane office job your posts brightened my mornings. It was your blog where a comment of mine reached over 200 stars for the first time, and I had looked forward to the day I