I’ve seen some criticism from professional photographers. Namely that someone with a catalog of almost all nudes probably isn’t in it for the art.
I’ve seen some criticism from professional photographers. Namely that someone with a catalog of almost all nudes probably isn’t in it for the art.
Honestly, I have always thought her sexy pics were disturbing because she looks so young still. She can’t help her slim body and the youthful look of her face so that’s not something I’m downing or talking against. It’s the fact that whoever is taking her pics is making her look intentionally exploited, like a sex…
My goodness. Miley sure is shaking up my square, conformist mindset. Has anyone seen my envelopes? Because I think they’ve all been pushed.
I love this show! Even my SO is down with it. It’s pulling in pretty excellent ratings (per meta critic, rottentomatoes, etc), so I don’t think its in danger of being yanked anytime soon. Still, totally agree—everyone should watch it! I never thought this would be up my alley but it’s so smart and refreshing.…
It makes me laugh out loud at least several times an episode!
Speaking of tv shows, can everyone go watch Crazy Ex Girlfriend? because a) it’s so much more clever than its name, b) Rachel Bloom is freaking amazing, and c) it allows me to indulge my Santino Fontana obsession on a weekly basis. I’m afraid it will get cancelled because I swear every show I love dies.
Emotional expectations for men are created by men. Emotional expectations for women are also created by men. Feminists are working on this, but if you want to see change, women aren’t the people you need to snark at.
They do, well spotted. I wouldn’t say this is nonsense at all. This is what feminism is trying to help. Since emotions are seen as “girly” and “unmasculine”, men suffer. If we break down this gender divide and let boys know it’s okay to feel things then that would be awesome.
Please don’t.
As do I. The savagery, it’s unimaginable. And yet it feels like looking away is a kind of betrayal.
I completely lose my stuffing every time I read about the Paris attack.
That was terrible and beautiful and I wept.
I’ve been either crying or on the verge of tears for two days now. I’m glad this woman survived to bear witness. I mourn, with all civilized society, for those who did not survive. May her words bring some measure of comfort to their loved ones, in comfortless times.
The best thing about these puppies is that they all look like old men trying to figure out water for the first time.…
Everyday I thank God for my small boobs, as they allow me to stand next to whomever I please.
You misunderstand. I’m presently taping up like Holly Holm. Instagram’s getting kicked in the haid.
Man, Holm fought the perfect fight against Rousey. I thought the fight would be closer than a lot of the analysts put it, but it was still a brilliant performance by the way she controlled the distance and managed the clinch.