
Now that’s just mean.

Well done! Am wetting myself here.

Ariel is supposed to be optimistic, and surprised by every new discovery. Lohan’s jaded eyes have seen much more scandalous thingamabobs, I assume. Doesn’t really ring true.

Maher’s thinly veiled contempt for women, especially woc, not to mention his blatant hatred of Muslims, makes it impossible for him to be the host of a show that purports to be liberal.

I need the contact information, Facebook links, twitter handles, etc. of these men. I have several dozen farm animal memes I’d like to get off my hands.

Fuck this. Men like him deserve a whopping portion of their own medicine.

Like one big Lost episode. Minus polar bears, cos they’ll all be dead soon.

I’ll gobble this up like every Wurtzel piece that’s ever been published. I’m a white girl with addiction issues. Trite? Yup. Cliché? You betcha. Are these women good role models? lol come on. Just let me read in guilty peace.

Oh girl will be salivating after she’s done throwing up.

After Sam Bee gave you a chance? Boi bye. She’s gonna roast your lily ass.

Well she’s new to the Trump administration, but she’s been around fundamentalists her whole life, so I’m betting a few.

True Blood was messy, sticky, delicious trash. The gifs alone the show spawned made it worth its run time.

Getting some strong Sarah Newlin vibes from this lady.

The Pantone people have something against redheads.

I don’t want anyone to get the wrong idea when I say that Carey’s life reminds me of what I imagine would happen if a magical fairy suddenly gave Miss Piggy sentience, and a woman’s body.