
The Pantone people have something against redheads.

I don’t want anyone to get the wrong idea when I say that Carey’s life reminds me of what I imagine would happen if a magical fairy suddenly gave Miss Piggy sentience, and a woman’s body.

Shit like this makes me miss Aaron McGruder.

Psssh rich people. I wonder what they use for a bed.

They’re just in it for the sex-bots.

When even Atwood seems to disappoint, I’m calling it an early day for the internet. Nope. Bye.

It’s probably that I’ve just read too many Jackie Collins, and Bret Easton Ellis novels over the years, but I can totally see it. Hate-fucking, obviously, but still.

It’s sweet after a while.

stopped watching last year when PC Principal was introduced. felt like they were less objective, and in a really bitter, unpalatable way that wasn’t as approachable as previous seasons.

Getting a Pan’s Labyrinth feel from the still. Not sure if it’s a good feeling, though.

I don’t know - it seems different, but maybe more applicable to 2016, like it has matured somehow? Certainly not Fuller House level bad-reboot. Not perfect, but then, I was 12 when the show premiered originally. You can’t recreate youth itself.

have left my fair share of vandalism as a young punk in smallish town Ontario - nazi scum fuck off, anarchy symbols, and the like (oh, youth). never did such a perfect, specifically angled swastika, nor did i ever draw one or see friends draw one w/o a crossed-out symbol around it. just sayin.

Bernie was disheveled in the way you imagine a professor being disheveled in. Trump is disheveled like a crack head is disheveled.

also then someone would know the Donalds exact measurements and consequently is a potential liability

If I get hit by a bus, I’d shit myself, and clean underwear would be a waste. Commando for life.

But this is exactly right. Joss blows his metaphorical load too soon, and suddenly I’m left defending a hot mess.

The way they give us a taste, and then snatch it away every time. My soul aches as well, my friend.

Humans definitely brought the robo-sex-consent discussion to the next level, especially by introducing sex work to the mix. There is something about this genre of story, wherein we interact with humanoid robots on such intimate levels, that I am so drawn to. (I blame TNG, and my early childhood crush on Data.)

Dollhouse is one of those (Joss Wheedon*) shows I always have to convince my friends to give a shot, purely for the conversations on consent and autonomy it inspires.

October for UK, not on AMC until 2017.