
It’s Joan Cusack as the evil gold-digging wife, Debbie, and Christopher Lloyd as Uncle Fester, in Addams Family Values.

Oh my god thank you. I have chronic yeast infections and the idea of completely having to change my diet was depressingly becoming the only option I felt I’d have, to stop the candida from making me it’s bitch constantly. Am trying this ASAP.

The MRA streak of Trump’s whole campaign has not been lost on them either - those fucks adore him - and you’re completely right - he’s fucking revelling in the chaos he’s creating.

This is why I stick to the Amy Sedaris method of party hosting (ie. Drunk).

Ahhh, then your tired tone was from a place of understanding. Sister.

I guess I’m biased seeing as I have a dad who insists that the home lives of the characters on Mad Men were worth fetishizing.

Considering how little he seems to value women, I wouldn’t put it past him.

At least he didn’t have daughters...?

That would just be unfair to all the other contestants.

I didn’t know about this until earlier when someone mentioned her eugenics bullshit down thread. I’d like to happily suggest Agnes McPhail instead, having learned as much.

Oh shoot. I was not aware of that particular predilection. Agnes McPhail is it!

The money also has the denomination printed on it in braille, something I’m pretty sure other countries have as well.

Someone from the Famous Five. I nominated Neĺlie McClung.

It’s our version of the socialite + movie star romances from the golden ages.

Reminds me a bit of when that Greek shipping heir was dating Paris Hilton. We’ve been transported back a decade in time.

*barfs forever*

I don’t get this reference, but I’d like to!

Yeah, that’s why I’ll never be invited to the Oscars.