we’re clearly soulmates, and should probably start co-hosting our own shitty cooking show. with booze revooze.
we’re clearly soulmates, and should probably start co-hosting our own shitty cooking show. with booze revooze.
The only reason I know who Sarah Wilson is: The Katering Show. Watch.
Wtf is with the comment section on this article?
Reminded me of the scene in Spice World, where they’re all in different candy coloured bathrobes.
Agreed! And I love you for referencing Zenon!
Yeah, I’m not attempting to invoke some sort of cutsey-manic-pixie-romcom idea when I say I’m clumsy. I straight up have terrible depth perception when I forget to wear my glasses, and a bad short-term memory, so I forget to wear them often enough that I’m always bruised.
Jeeze, I guess someone didn’t see the Degrassi special back in the day.
But it also seemed like from the get-go NeNe was not having it that Joy was there. And it’s pretty well known that Joy is pretty antagonistic herself, so I’m surprised that NeNe didn’t just keep it real, instead of getting all pissy.
God May Forgive You by Iris Dement.
So, so Needed. Thank you.
I couldn’t agree more. We are always so hard on ourselves - how about we show a bit of the love we save for others to ourselves when we’re trying our best?
Thank you for starting this conversation. I don’t care how pathetic it looks outwardly. I bet if you met all of us one-on-one we would be charming as fuck, and lovely and wonderful. However, as other Jezzies have pointed out, we hold ourselves to such a high internal standard, we have no choice but to lose our shit…
This feels so much like the sort of story one of my best girl friends Lydia would go through, and maybe tell to strangers, but not share with us (Franny & I) for fear her tiny, sweet self would seem terrifying somehow. To this I give a thousand tiny pockmarks on the coworker who spitballed you, but just for a few…
Fourteen years old. First job. 2002-ish. Mom had worked at McDonald’s during the late 70’s, in the same town no less, different location. Gave a kid a Happy Meal that I assumed was his, being he was the only litte kid at the counter. I was expediting. or whatever standing at the burger-drop area, and bagging/putting…
Jennifer Lawrence seems to be sharing the same sentiment as Amy. I think it’s actually refreshing, albeit still sad, that these are women who are being honest about their very human feelings. It seems natural to feel like you’ve hit a wall sometimes, and to hear famous, wealthy women express this kind-of shitty…
I would suggest pot or easily consumed edibles, such as lollies, for this particular problem, as weed is my go-to tummy-tamer. I don’t suffer motion sickness (I can read in a moving car no problem, natch), but I have suffered the worst hangovers known to womankind, and Mary Jane has been my sweet, skunky savior more…