
I feel like the results of this would be supremely different if the condiment in question was the grainy spice-monster that is mustard, instead of sweet, harmless ketchup.


Everyone needs to drive a vehicle, even the very tall. This is the largest auto that I could afford. Should I, therefore, be made the subject of fun?

Well now I Have To try the Canadian Breakfast Stout as well, b/c reasons. Question though, if you can tell me, what’s with the “breakfast” label? Is it just an industry way of relaying its heartiness?

Please make a series out of this sort of thing - rich peoples wedding/baby shower/whatever registries. It’s enjoyable, gawking fun.

It looks so delicious, like it would go wonderfully with a warm oatmeal+raisin cookie. It’s 2:15pm where I am - close enough to breakfast time for me!

agreed for ever. they can pry my piece from my cold dead stoned hands.

You’d probably be right (you would be right):

Yeah, any discussion of whether Brody Jenner is hot or not leaves me dry-heaving into the nearest trash bin. Definitively not hot.

Ohhhhh yeah baby, I cannot Wait for the influx of OITNB gifs we’re going to be seeing soon. I Am excited, little boy.

You guys must have seemed like absolute angels to those people. I would have given anything for some small sign of humanity’s good side yesterday. A busker, even. Hell, at that point a crazy man singing to himself would have cheered me. If I had stumbled across your group, I’m pretty sure I would have been a

Missed my first flight out of Venice back to Toronto yesterday, and then had security take my wine and lavender honey just before I almost missed my replacement flight. This would have been so appreciated yesterday, but it’s still comforting today. All the love for people who make the airport less suck-tastic.

Thank you.

“I sat, and am forever at work here.”

I feel very confident in saying she probably did suggest that, but wasn’t allowed to by censors.

On a hardly related note - but I took antihistamines so I’m wired - I loved Roald Dahl as a kid, and when they adapt his stories into movies, I lap that stuff up - with the exception of the shitty Willie Wonka remake. Whilst Wikipedia-ing the other day, I learned Spielberg is adapting The BFG”, and I am now super

Here’s to all the Moms. I can only ever hope to be half the woman my mother is. Love for all the moms out there.

I was going to add “dogs” to the list, but Team Cat is always watching, so I figured I would just like the crying rooms to be pet friendly. Dogs are better than humans when it comes to crying - they’re all cuddles and no yakkity -yakking about “getting over it".