Preach. It’s shocking how the most open minded amongst us can fail to accept the idea of a person like Dolezal.
Preach. It’s shocking how the most open minded amongst us can fail to accept the idea of a person like Dolezal.
Ought to work!
They literally have it enclosed by a gate with spikes around the top. It’s pretty staggering to see it for the first time.
Denton expressly told his writers to stop pandering to the Facebook masses. I'm not sure that everyone under the Gawker umbrella got the message.
“Sanitary Elephant Walk” by Jim Cooke.
That’s a serious contender as well.
90% of the reason I click the Gronk posts is to read Samer’s description of him. Gregarious tricep may beat out my previous favorite, walking Bacardi handle.
There must be a mistake...Randy would never willing part with his personal burger stash.
A popular mayor and an unpopular governor. Also may or may not have impregnated a local reporter (that’s a rumor I’ve heard more than once).
It’s not an ideal situation, and I don’t think anyone knows how to fix it. Status quo.
The DOJ doesn’t arrest anyone, anywhere. Least of all in Zurich.
Magnificent screen name
99% sure he said, “Get off my lawn!”
Marchman’s auction-in-lieu of draft argument was almost as problematic as his breakfast cereal ranking.
Plenty of symmetry between their TV and real life relationships
Wonder if that article was awkward for Drew.
+1 debtor
Couldn’t agree more. He’s absolutely hilarious. He’s Ballghazi rip on the Patriots this week was glorious as well.