Well Hung Jury

Mine was at 10 or 11. I was sweating my balls off at a summer baseball camp when my stomach sent the unmistakeable “locked & loaded” message; I took off for the bathrooms (∼200 yds.). My 10-yard dash got me to a ditch in ∼6.7 seconds – bit of a porker then – and the dam broke. I collapsed in self-pity and defeat.

He was also on the Dating Game, or some similarly-theme game/reality TV show.

I found the piece interesting (I clicked on it, after all). Sure, it’s pretty mundane, but it’s not everyday that an NFL player is accused of running a Ponzi scheme. I’ll be looking forward to more updates on the case.

Fox News most assuredly sucks.

Kinga game en fuego

Didn’t Slammin’ Sammy forget how to speak English for the hearings? These really were some great times.

+1 for the AA County reference. Never experienced it in Green Hornets, but my high school ball coach easily falls into that category.

Not relevant, but I always found this funny. Swearinger named that dog "Blooh." I lived next door to him for 2 years. He'd get absolutely furious if someone referred to his pup as "Blue" in a text/tweet.