
I worked for Konami for 3 months in their gambling division and can confirm it’s a horrible place to work.

Yes. You are a boring person. Go away.

I’m not far in, but I can’t help thinking that the women in FF4 were better written.

I feel like at some point, we’re going to have to have a real serious talk about how Square Enix handled the women in this game.

My grandparents too! They’re 86 and 88—my grandfather went to university with Castro.

My mom called me crying from a casino in Vegas. She was born in Havana a month after he took power and lived in that hell for twelve years. I’m so happy my Grandpa got to see this day. Fuck Castro.

While I have friends who did their med school in Cuba, acknowledge the role he played in supporting Mandela (to a large degree because he wanted to tweak the nose of the US any way he could) and agree that US policy in Latin America has often been a disaster, I have little sympathy for someone who executed 5000

But he is also responsible for the central planning blunders and stifling government controls that – along with the US embargo – have strangled the economy, leaving most Cubans scrabbling for decent food and desperate for better living standards.

Good. Fuck him. Like many “communist” predecessors, he abused a system meant for the people to benefit himself first and foremost.

*gasp* You monster!


I mean, maybe?

Jesus turkey christ that version of 6 is atrocious. They should have made it like this.

If anything is worse than your Thanksgiving, it’s that remake!

Get outta here with those remake screenshots. Woof.

“We dated a while back, and it was a whole thing”

Good thing you mentioned you once dated a creator of a small cheap game, otherwise all of journalism would be called into question

Wait, isn’t Depression Quest free on a site somewhere. I know I shouldn’t ask this question but how many of these games are legally free if I went looking?

I hate the series, fucking misery porn, but this was pretty good. The Granny is more competent than 90% of the original characters.

Yeah, I thought that was pretty obvious. Not sure how anyone could have overlooked ti.