
Yeah I suspect when we look back in 10 years, the 2010s will be defined by “athleisure”

This take, I like it.

This is really great. I love the edging paint to give it a well-worn look. All he needs is a stein of Siegbräu.

water and water type liquids have a density such that fluid oz. and dry oz is the same. Actually “dry” measuring cups are really bad for measuring some dry goods (compressible powders like flour, for example) which is why bakers oftentimes tend to skip the measuring cups in lieu of a food scale.

I wouldn’t go as far as to say the “dudebro” (or “core” market in business speak) is less valuable, but rather that we’ve reached saturation in that market and that the only way forward is foster growth in new markets, whether that’s the casual, mobile playing market or just other demographics that AAA publishers

I’m all about the new season of Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu. Season One was by far (and I loved Mob Psycho 100 and DiU, among others) my #1 favorite series of last year and episode 1 picked up right where it left off in terms of capturing performance and setting us up for where the main characters are headed.

Yeah, usually I’m excited to see when The State alums get work, but not like this. Not like this.

I suspect AM Cosmos didn’t note this to limit spoilers, but what i also enjoyed was that the couples that emerge out of the story ranged in terms of seriousness and tone. My two favorite couples were the kinda of spacey musician who becomes smitten by the hall monitor who chastises her for always being late and the

Oh sure, but this has the advantage in that it’s integrated right in the Battle.net Launcher so anyone who would find the streaming stuff too complex for them (yes it’s not that hard, but there is a learning curve) can do it as a one button press deal.

One of Monoprice’s entry line mechanical keyboards (which I use and like quite a bit) uses an ISO enter key.

Not enough disconnected crying and there’s no Marmite or Branston Pickle anywhere.

The best part is seeing Gobert as a background character in the much more serious main story (since he’s a member of the Syndicate which de facto rules over one of the main cities) and think, “Wow, he actually wears clothes sometimes.”

Well Thomas Friedman is pretty much a walking cartoon, so it’s hard to say...

It’s back up (under a new name) on Wonkette, every Monday

I have to say, while I respect many of the opinions here which are reacting with disgust, it’s my dearest hope this technology gets improved so that (if we can somehow move past the inherent discrimination) it can one day be offered to trans women many of whom, though by no means all, would be clamoring to get on a

Stardew Valley, which I’m loving the hell out of as I get my two-bit parsnip farm/fishery running.

No, that sounds like a terrible idea. I’d prefer a turn-based JRPG styled DA before a tactics game. Also, while it’s probably unfair to trot it out again as a whipping boy: Fallout Tactics

Dear God, No. Never. If his politics weren’t a turn-off, no amount of grizzled five o’clock shadow can help pasty-faced schmucks like him.