I just ran down to the jerk store to verify your claim, and sure enough, they’re rapidly running out of him.
I just ran down to the jerk store to verify your claim, and sure enough, they’re rapidly running out of him.
Things that work:
I’m spending so little time at the AVClub that I’m actually accomplishing work. I’m afraid.
Just move the monuments to Kinja. Nobody will ever see them again
I got a community notification for this?
Bearded Garret Dillahunt!
Maybe the comment history is the place inside each of us created by our goodwill and teamwork?
The best thing that happened to Marvel was losing the rights to make Spider-Man and X-Men movies, as it forced them to look beyond the obvious and rely on less obvious characters, which has lead them to have much wider cast of characters. DC is hooked on Superman and Batman and is destined to do them forever.
Wait a minute, if you rearrange the letters of Caitlin Rosberg it spells “James T. Kinja,” the founder of Kinja.com!
I’m not waiting for permission... I say its time for our commenters to crack each others’ heads open and feast on the goo inside.