
“in a way they didn’t consent to”

Help! This may come as some surprise, but I miss him. I could see through all of his lies, but still I miss him. Tell me, Is it a crime, that I still want him, and I want him to want me too?

The best podcast within a podcast is I Love Films.

Those are documentaries.

The episode of him as failed waterskiing Sha Na Na member auditioner, Wolfman Hot Dog, is one of the funniest podcast episodes i’ve ever heard in my fucking life.

The Velvet Underground needs to be used in Vietnam war soundtracks. It’s what all the hipster soldiers were listening to in the late 60's.

Am I the only one who noticed or cared that Heather’s Gyno is David Wain?

I’d rather a Cafe Nervosa, myself. 

Webb: I’ll tell you what, I think Shaggy must be very bitter, because he’s obviously invested a lot of time in teaching that dog to talk and it just can’t. I mean, maybe he thought he was going to get it on ‘That’s Life’ or something, but it’s just not happened.

Small point, but

THANK you. While it’s possible that the school nurse was just terrible at her job, it’s more likely that Charlie Brooker is horrifyingly ignorant about how emergency contraception works.

Yeah that took me right out of the episode to yell at my screen.

Overall I liked this episode but that’s not how EC works. It’s not an abortion pill. Those are two different things. And it bugs me that they got that wrong because it plays right into far right fears about EC.

I was a political science major, and I have been doing a lot of thinking about what a Jones upset would mean. It’s pretty significant, and requires a fair amount of nuanced thinking. So I apologize in advance if this gets kind of dense and long, but here’s the analysis of someone who studies and thinks about this

This is an oasis of nuanced thinking in a vast desert of hot takes.

“Jordan Peele’s Twilight Zone reboot is moving along...”

There’s a perfectly empty vault they could’ve been using this whole time, too.

See? No one who speaks German could be an evil man.

Time to call up Ye Olde Craig Ferguson. He was the perfect blend of goofy, thoughtful, and political.

Black Mirror watching often feels like part of me is like the IT crowd boss who compulsively tried to guess the inevitable plot twist. “He’s his own brother! You think it’s it the future but it’s really the past! They’re all clones! They’re all ghosts!”