I stare at the deadbeats guzzling cocktails at the bar at 11 a.m.
I stare at the deadbeats guzzling cocktails at the bar at 11 a.m.
How can you criticize a guy who is always pulling for his teammates?
No. Complacency has nothing to do with it.
No. That is false, and is a weird type of (evil) magical thinking.
Lol i never understood the seething hate for imperial measurements. If we have different “Languages” for words, why cant we also for numbers?
Every militant metric user needs to speak fluent Esperanto, or i consider them a hypocrite :D
This is going to keep happening until some of these fucks go to jail for manslaughter.
If only he was AOC then I’m sure we’d be reading about how she’s burning and owning with all these replies.
This is so dumb.
Admittedly, my social life consists of conquering the world on Crusader Kings II, but . . . I’m not seeing a lot here to complain about. I mean, yeah, the homophobia-is-a-symptom-of-repressed-gay-status was officially played off by American Beauty, but mostly I see the corny guy who kind of knows he’s corny in those…
Counterpoint: No, he doesn’t. He’s a genuinely good person who is imperfect, like everyone is, but is actually willing to learn and grow.
You are figuring that the other 60-70% are ALWAYS in absolute defiance of him, and as much as we’d like that to be the case, its probably just wishful thinking.
“She has such little faith in us as educated citizens.”
This comment thread will be like those Facebook hate fests, where armchair engineers get to poke holes in years of research by a deep pocketed for-profit comglomerate
I understand, uh, some of this but 100% cosign.
Bike riders are easily the worst. Fuck those clowns n their Lance Armstrong cosplay outfits all bombing down the rail trail at a whopping 15 mph like they’re training for the Tour so they can go to the craft brewery later and sit around in their too-tight shorts trading Strava readings while complaining that the IPA…
No, it’s you and he that “don’t know much about the war”.
But nobody ever mentions the Russians,
But nobody ever mentions the Russians
Counterpoint: Dressing nicely might score you a free upgrade (but very likely won’t), while dressing comfortably is a sure bet.