I told this last year but I will tell it again. My family and I moved into the house we live in when my son was a year and a half. We didn’t know much about the house’s history, but some of our neighbors said something about a doctor having operated some sort of practice in the finished basement front room, although I…
Is she though?
Jenny from the other block.
“when Azealia (Banks) laughed out loud at Russell’s (Crow) music selection, and then called him and at least one other guest, ‘boring white men.’”
RZA, who was there, said that was not true.
Christ on a cracker, does this woman just cause scenes everywhere she goes?
ben Carson makes me sad.
White skin suffices.
Not only should the doctors be furious, the ill passengers should sue. They were denied medical assistance by racist Delta employees. What if the first passenger had died while the FA was wasting time demeaning Dr. Cross? This story disgusts me on so many levels.
That’s journalist David Gregory getting his life to Cee-Lo.
I feel this. Fuck this stewardess and fuck Delta. Fuck the assumption that every authority figure has to be a white man.
I know this is a serious subject and what not but that white guy in this gif better go head with his bad self.
What “qualifications” are doctors supposed to fly with? Official copy of med school transcripts? Diploma? Fancy badge from facility they work at?
Honestly, if I was the passenger who fell ill I’d be mad as hell too. You nearly let me die because you’re racist and sexist? There was a qualified doctor offering to help and you GOT IN HER WAY? I’d be fucking furious.
Actually, this was the unresponsive guy.
It happened again:
In the book Black Robes, White Justice there is a similar story. The author, (a black judge) is awaiting medical treatment in an ICU along with a barely sapient white man reeking of booze and homelessness. The doctor, having been told “The honorable judge Wright is awaiting” him, comes past the curtain, looks at…