
“I’m not a witch, I’m you.”

I was old enough to know better, but I guess I was still young enough to still do something stupid.

Given how long he’s spent in the public sphere and how much time he’s spent on TV and radio ... yeah. Definitely.

I can’t stop picturing Hillary Clinton kissing her fingers and pressing them to her wallet sized photo of Beyoncé for good luck before each speech. “We got this, Bey...who run the world?”

He celebrated the score in noticeably rigid fashion:

  1. A player may not harm the Shield or, through inaction, allow the Shield to come to harm.

Usually Browns players wait til halfway through the season to become emotionless robots.

Maybe it’s common knowledge, but you might want to clarify that this is a Netflix doc. Who, what, when, where, why is still a good formula.

Had to stop reading to ask: Trump’s racism is subtle? Um...are you SURE? He is not at all subtle as far as I can see.

Wut. The. Fuck. White Christmas?! Is this a white power euphemism?!

A white Christmas, huh?

Fun fact: that is not actually a stuffed animal! It’s their favorite maid Florencia in a lion costume. The Trumps wanted to include her in the family photo because they love her so much they practically feel like they own her!

he looks like a zombie

Yuge, YUGE opportunity missed.

So there are some memes being circulated that state: “GOP stands for grab our pussies”

“I consider myself, in a certain way, to be a blue-collar worker” — Donald Trump in Pennsylvania today