This does not seem to particularly matter to Eric Trump, who seems to be busy living in a creepy video game loosely modeled after the 1987 film Wall Streetwhere slicked back hair is a professional look, down-time involves shooting cheetahs
This does not seem to particularly matter to Eric Trump, who seems to be busy living in a creepy video game loosely modeled after the 1987 film Wall Streetwhere slicked back hair is a professional look, down-time involves shooting cheetahs
Universities should be in the education business, not the law enforcement business.
** All three fans die of dehydration.
Rams Fan #1: I think Gurley has the tools to be a great NFL RB it’s going to just take some adjustments and time.
There’s also a 2nd Burnley defender near the corner keeping both on
No fanbase bitches more on this site. So tiresome.
Except that he wasn’t offside and that’s not a handball.
Dear dumbass, that wasn’t offside. Nor was it deliberate handball. Nor were the two non-called Burnley handballs in their box. Learn the game before you try, but thanks for playing.
Oxlade-Chamberlin and Koscielny both struck the ball at the same time (the blue boot gets a touch) and are both onside at that moment. The handball was a judgment by the ref (his arms remain tucked and not extended). The ref was right there, as well, so he got the look he needed to make his judgment.
I can’t tell if Cam is a genius or an idiot.
If 20 6 year olds being murdered changed nothing in this country, I have little hope for any future change.
And the cocksucker adult who didn’t lock up his damn gun.
The only person who failed him is the cocksucker who shot him.
How absolutely horrible for Robin Williams and his wife. I cannot even begin to imagine. Can we please find a fucking cure for Alzheimer’s and the like already?!
I know that fame is different now, but it never ceases to amaze me when I hear about a person who has MILLIONS of followers and I’ve never heard of them.
Who are these people? I looked at her uploads and she has makeup stuff and reaction videos and a blooper reel - are we supposed to know who the heck they are?