
Hey MantiMeow: I. don't. give. one. single. fuck. about. what. you. think.

Ugh, the boldly-worn giant crucifix. Because the message of Jesus was totally "Go forth and behave like an asshole."
If I ever saw this woman on the street I'd be so tempted to point at her necklace and say, very loudly, "Oh look! It's one of those metal dildos like that girl in The Exorcist had!"

Ursula is the best Disney villain hands down.

You say all this like anti-feminism is a new thing. It isn't. You're not doing anything original or new. It's all a bit boring and predictable. And if all the thousands of attempts to silence feminists haven't worked up until now, it's very unlikely you will. Feminists are used to hearing from people like you and

I don't understand how one feminist critic sucking at what she does could possibly "delegitimize" feminism. That's really fucking stupid.

Honestly, I think a big percentage of white people think we're going to do to them what they did and continue to do to us. It's why they find it so threatening and need to be reassured when poc talk about equality and discrimination. If we don't talk about white supremacy, then it continues and they have nothing to

This is someone who was hanging out at a trendy, crowded place, it was caught on video, and she went straight to the police, once she figured out what happened. She did everything that every asshole who responds with "BUT DID SHE DO THIS" after hearing a rape account asks about. And she still hasn't seen justice.


Misogynists just looooove to blame victims— they'll twist themselves into knots trying to make the attack somehow her own fault, or something she deserved or was responsible for. (See also: Ray Rice brouhaha: "there must be SOME way we can make this thing all OK, I mean she had to have been at least a little

Weeell i suppose that is technically true. How nice that these heroes noticed that tendency in some abuse victims and decided to use it to make their boners happy. What a time to be alive!

"soiled toilet brush with arms" is a great look, bro. it makes ALL the ladies wet.

Um, no. People like YOU are the cause of Elliot Rodger. By people like you, I mean entitled men who use asinine logic such as "dudes getting laid don't shoot up places." They don't shoot up places because they aren't getting laid, they aren't getting laid for the same reason they shoot up places - because they're

This week I was told by hundred of men how women need to be nicer to strange men who approach them in public because if we don't then no one will be friendly, and no one will ever meet anyone and all of humanity will end. Does't matter if you're in middle of something important, trying to get from point A to point B,

Now playing

... I'm just gonna leave this here for ya'll.

I, for one, am excited about bringing Mpreg culture to light. For once, we can truly experience equality.

Woman: That thing I don't want you doing, yeah stop doing that

I am so sick and tired of hearing men telling women what they like and want. Worse, they think of women as one big monolith, unable to deviate in any way.

These mens. They get so EMOTIONAL about everything. Its so hard to have a logical discussion when they are in the room. Bless their little hearts.

"Cherry pick data"? If you're referring to Sarkeesian's videos, that's...not what's going on. Like, at all. Unless, of course, you want to argue that a huge chunk of academic cultural and media criticism is "cherry picking data".

And everyone has a political agenda. Choosing not to talk about this stuff is political;

"You only hurt your cause" is such a bullshit response dude. You should be pro not harassing women because it's the DECENT HUMAN THING TO DO, not because none of the women who are talking to you about it hurt your fee fees.