
There is nothing wrong with working towards ending violence towards both sexes. Nothing. What makes this so disgusting though is Paul Elam has set up a fake website hoping to fool people who want to donate to White Ribbon. From Paul Elam's own website: " is owned and operated by A Voice for Men. All

RIGHT!? Oh my god this confuses the living fuck out me. I'd ask for explanations but given the amount of windowlicking on any article involving this I'm pretty sure there isn't one that doesn't eventually boil down to "Girls are scary and I did not enjoy high school".

...Actually, okay you know what? Fuck it, that's

Good trolling, 10/10, etc.

Ah ha, but "the good" has the onus of presenting their case entirely divorced of the loud, flashy, "vocal minority."

It is on -us- to be the representatives our hobby deserves—not to sit in our caves of self-pity, howling about the unfairness of a world ranged against our interests (when that world really doesn't give

It's a sinking ship that is so tainted by assery that it will never survive. Look at an organization like SFWA where you had some dicktastic stuff happen. Then some guys crying about male rights. Then some other guys saying feminists are baddie badkins. Then SFWA seemed to step up and say, "Okay, there's a problem

Ugh we can't keep you updated if you don't go to the meetings! Misandry aint just on Mondays it's 24-7.

Dear wackadoodle pro-life folks:

And a fetus was once an egg and sperm, of which millions are destroyed everyday by masturbation and menstruation.

Gamergate, first coined by actor Adam Baldwin, is an amorphous campaign that is ostensibly about ethics in video game journalism and defending the "gamer" identity but has come under fire for its links to a wave of harassment, particularly of women, in gaming.

Nobody has to kill it. Your little subculture is a fungus, and shining a light on it is making it go away all on its own. That's why you're throwing megatantrums. You can see the writing on the wall and know your period of privilege is coming to a close.

This is the emptiest of tough-guy posturing, touting your own superior bravery knowing you're overwhelmingly unlikely never to be in this position. You're not impressing anyone, guy.

"Why is it only her?"

At least three women in as many months have been threatened so seriously they've had to leave their homes because of this shit.

Dude, it doesn't matter who she points the blame at. Shit like this is a reflection of us all.

By you essentially calling her a raging man-hating feminist you are perpetuating the very reason she is speaking out. You are the problem here.

Because there really are some sections of the gaming community that are horrible like this and they've spent the last few years convincing themselves more and more that they're under attack from "feminists"... and the Venn diagram of them has a lot of overlap with the MRA crowd that idolizes Elliot Rodger and other

Trust me when I say that, despite our wishful thinking, no one believes that the angry white man with made up grievances will ever go away. Gamergate is nothing more than a hateful white whine movement, only instead of focusing on the gay Muslim Kenyan Atheist Obummer, you guys are focused on video games. Yours is an

It wasn't just created on 4chan; it was created with specific intent of white boys creating sockpuppet accounts to pretend to be female or non-white. Basically, it was "Damn, it's hard to find actual women and brown people who support our campaign of viciously harassing women and brown people for the crime of existing

I post this on Facebook every year.


Sorry that the honourable rich folks in antebellum south have been so horribly maligned, you completely oblivious, self-serving fuck.

The anti-abortion people are especially apt comparison but because they're mostly white and Xtian (and serve male dominance) the definition doesn't get deployed against them.

Unfortunately here in Sg, the govt has partnered with them on more than one occasion. SG is deeply sexist and ultra conservative, so FOTF has legs here.