Yeah, it would seem like pandering. You say that like pandering to 51% of the population as a demographic is a bad thing simply because the other 49% has a long and colorful history of being unable to share.
Yeah, it would seem like pandering. You say that like pandering to 51% of the population as a demographic is a bad thing simply because the other 49% has a long and colorful history of being unable to share.
Benefit more than women of color =/= benefit as much as white men.
Fuck difference does it make, though? Even #notallmen don't have the right to impose a compliment on you just because it happens to be innocuous. The world is not going to stop turning because I didn't get to tell that girl she has really cool hair. My brain is separate from my mouth because EVERYBODY DOESN'T NEED TO…
Right? And to everyone saying "Oh big surprise, a dude on Craigslist was a dick!", I say to you: this is a lot of dudes. Like, a lot. Who realize why you have earbuds in and don't care. Who realize why you have that scowl on your face and don't care. They think they're just that fucking special, that even though…
But I can't - because you're always walking around with your damn earbuds in ("Don't talk to me!")
No, many men are scum because they read something like this and their first concern is, "But what about MEEEEEE I'm such a Nice Guuuuuyyyyyyyy??? How dare women feel angry and want to vent when they read something like this, don't they know about my feeeeeeeeeeeelings?"
If you want to look at countries where being pro-life is niche weirdo belief, the mainstream media will call pro-choicers pro-abortion. Because only the fringe will think that's a bad thing. The necessary evil -thinking leads to people of the extremist bent thinking "what if that evil isn't necessary? They're just…
Great! Since this is all about saving lives and has nothing to do with controlling women and their wicked woman-bodies, I'm sure these folks will support my ballot measure.
YEP. YEP YEP YEP. I am pro-minding-your-own-goddamn-business-when-it-comes-to-others'-decisions-about-their-bodies.
There's still no telling how it's going to play out on election day but Amendment 1 seems fairly unpopular even among conservatives in Tennesse so there's hope. Even still I've been basically forcing my liberaly minded friends to update their voter registration. I may have even delivered voter registration papers and…
Sorry, Nick: Wino Forever is still the greatest breakup tattoo re-imagining of all time.
Thanks for acknowledging Mirror of Danger's existence! I loved that book when I was a kid and still have my original copy. None of my friends ever heard of it and I'm pleased that someone else has read it!
Remember, every woman of reproductive age who still has her uterus/ovaries should be considered "pre-pregnant" at all times. Weekly pregnancy tests should be mandatory. No smoking, drinking, eating problematic foods for you! Get your daily vitamins administered at the Ministry of Wombs. You think you are a person who…
because people will always have a different opinion of it when the victim is a woman of color versus when it's a white woman. It's relevant because Gabrielle is a Black woman and historically we've been stereotyped as being hypersexual jezebel. When nude photos of Gabrielle or Jill Scott get leaked they never seem to…
I love how you try to pretend that you're just innocently voicing something, when in your first comment you clearly hedged your bet by playing the whole "I would say this, but..." card. People only say that when they KNOW what they're about to say is shitty. It's no different than "I don't want to sound racist,…
Why anyone beyond her immediate family cares about this girl's uterus is another, deeper mystery of American culture, one beyond the purview of a Friday-morning blog post.
(Meanwhile, at the evil fortress of Game-Hating Feminism)
Totilo: I did just as you commanded, my mistress! I posted the story about the bomb threat on the same day a conservative feminist critic said something else about video games!
Anita: Excellent! With Kotaku under my evil feministy grasp of evil! I can continue…
If you were actually curious and not just concern trolling, you could read the article, which very explicitly states that Stephen was informed about the bomb threat last week while investigating some of Sarkeesian's other claims. But I understand that it's much more fun to ignore facts and to suggest that it's part of…