
Quick note to the rest of the country: these states are already receiving more in federal subsidies than they pay in taxes. And now they're implementing a very costly program that is, more or less, useless considering less than 2% of welfare recipients do drugs.

Guess who is going to pay for that? Not the state of

Your company is not need-based, though. They have a vested interest in making sure nobody is running the company or dealing with customers or whatever while high out of their goddamn minds.

Tennessee takes in much more federal funding than it pays in federal taxes .. essentially making the whole state on welfare. Probably best to drug test all the politicians and voters in Tennessee, since it is the rest of the United States that pays.

Covering up child rape? 'Cuz THAT is apparently cool with Catholics, but no, not birth control, that would be eeeevvviiilll, even though 90% of Catholic women have been on BC at some point. The traditional catholic dudes are totally out of touch.

Umm, but, the problem is that the church keeps appointing old white guys.

Sure, a lot of really great people are Catholic. But that does not redeem the church itself.

And, sorry (not sorry), but if you're not going to hold your church and your pope accountable, then you're no better than the worst of them.

The church is

Maybe she isn't sad?

The point is that a) it has nothing to do with actual rape, and b) playing out that fantasy involves consent and hopefully a safe word. Men who hate women are fond of using resistance play to insist (incorrectly) that women want to be assaulted and that there is no such thing as rape. That is extremely harmful, and

seriously? You are offended by the objectification of men?? To be a women in America is to be a dog. Our words carry no weight. When we are strong and stand our ground people perceive us as bitches. When we are meek and quiet people take that as evidence that we are week and stupid. Every moment of our lives in public

If I need to "win you around" to thinking that rape victims don't deserve to be further disparaged, then I don't really want you in my camp.

Some people really do need to just fuck off.

Nah, I'll keep my condescending and hypocritical arguments where they belong: in your face.

My bullshit attack? This article is about A MAN WHO WANTED TO MURDER WOMEN. You are directing the conversation back to men. But you're obviously right. The fact that you, a man, read this and was offended by it is much more important than the fact that another man wanted to murder women. You're right. Your

It's not about getting their rocks off. It's about their entitlement. These men believe women are objects they are entitled to. Men who see women as people don't think like these murderers/wannabe murderers.

All the feminists I've met and talked to in my life have been leaps and bounds more respectful of men than non- or anti-feminists are, simply because they know how toxic gender roles are, and that simply because men are privileged over women doesn't mean they aren't subject to them either. This whole idea of misandry

Funny, I pity most religious people. I feel sad for people who think that not believing in a god or gods somehow makes this world and this life a "bummer" and are so scared of what comes after that it dictates their entire life. First of all, religiosity and spirituality are completely different things. Furthermore,

"I was under the impression that Dawkins was beloved in athiest spheres."


It's a convenient straw man for the right wingers/MRA's (there's some overlap between those groups). Obviously, when you're dealing with something as reasonable as "don't rape us" or "pay us fairly", you can't really engage those arguments and hope to win. So they put words in the mouths of mainstream feminism all

I prefer notating my single/never been married (read: "spinster") status outright. How else will men know to beat me up??


the next time some Nice Guy starts whining about "women don't care about male rape", I'm gonna point him here. Where the regular female posters are up in arms about this and the male trolls are having grotesque fun at the victim's expense.