"non-lothario guinea pig who refuses to leave cage watches from afar, then logs onto chat room to complain about how female guinea pigs only like assholes"
Yup. Poetry was de-valued in our country when women were the majority writers, and if you look at the "respected canon" it's virtually all men with token women. Women are kind of killing it in the YA fields along with some men, and suddenly we get article upon article about why YA is trash.
Well, maybe the #NotAllMen who hyperventilate so hard when women self-report the things that actually happen to them need to sit down and catch their breath before they start talking.
Could you explain, then, how someone whispering "peace" and "love" over their water before they drink it could have more "spooky action from a distance" than, say, the countless trips that water has made through digestive systems, the innumerable times it has been trapped in a dying body's tissues or that one time you…
"According to quantum theory, matter can in fact can interact at a distance with no observable exchange."
Agreed on defaulting male— huge, silly issue.
cards against humanity?
So, it would be OK if she had small boobs, then? No? Then why comment on her breast size? Shit like that is part of the problem, not the solution. The woman can't help the size of her breasts, geez. Focus on the fixable.
Otherwise they are going to grow up spoiled little assholes
It may be religious as they are from a religious group and were alledgedly recruiting/proselytizing for it. They also may be just stupid misogynistic men. Or even have some mental issues. Or all of that at once. But don't bring only the "mental-ill" thing please. Even without precise informations (conflicting…
Assuming a lifespan of 71 years and a consistent murder rate, your odds of being murdered in the United States in your lifetime are about 1/189.
That's a copout and you know it.
Over and over again, I've seen commenters, bloggers and even a few media types make comments about how much 'better' it would have been if Rodgers had just 'had sex with hookers'. As a sex worker, I can't tell you how appalled this makes me. Please, stop wishing more of these monsters on us. We already deal with (and…
So now in addition to Feelings Coddlers, as women we're also supposed to be Mind Readers.
Sure, let's blame it on mental illness instead of misogyny. Let's go with vague theories based on stigma against disabled people instead of looking at the evidence that this guy was heavily involved in the Men's Rights Movement.
There is a legacy of anti-feminist terrorism in North America, both on a mass scale (as in Montreal in 1989) and on an intimate one (glance even briefly at the numbers of women murdered by current or former partners). Women's freedoms are always the "source" of someone's "frustration". Don't try and remove this white…
I'm sorry, did I say no one has it worse than me? I'm gonna try really hard not to berate you for being a shithead in the wake of this horrible tragedy, but let me break this down for you. Seven people are dead and those who are still alive in the community have to cope with that somehow. All of us. Not just me. I'm…
I absolutely believe that men who do these things (let rapists off with no jail time, act as apologists for rapists) have either raped in the past, or sympathize with that kind of think and may rape in the future. I am convinced of it.
Yes, but their wealth has no "self-support" involved. They don't pay for their health insurance (a huge boon with a family that size, literally hundreds of thousands of dollars a year, and a benefit of his single term as an Arkansas state legislator that he makes no attempt to hide is the only reason he ran for…