
I think Tyrion gets less likeable with each book. To the point that I loathed him in the first half of ADWD. I think he's starting to turn it back around though. Which probably means he'll die.

And it didn't happen in one episode after she learns a valuable lesson Full House style. I would even argue that it starts while she was still on Buffy and continues at a slow, natural pace until her arc concludes in You're Welcome.

I would agree with you but I never hated her. Even when she was a spoiled rich kid. She was always so funny and smart about her meanness that she was almost like a good insult comic.

Season one didn't have Ben so I don't know how anyone could find it superior.

You stole mine! But I'm glad so many agree. I love all the small ways she finds to rebel from manipulating Joffrey to willingly go to the frontlines in the Blackwater battle to refusing to kneel so Tyrion can put on the wedding cloak I love it all. I look forward to her putting wrenches in Littlefinger's plans.

I loved Wes and Cordy. Especially when the subject of their awkward kiss just before her graduation would come up.

It's in the article.

Sure but it was negated when they started wringing their hands over the reputation of Greek life on campus.

Generally that's true, but when it's a case of sexism in the workplace (or racism, homophobia etc.) it's different. When a female writer is punished for expressing opposition to a sexist storyline, it needs to be said.

Every time there's a successful movie that doesn't revolve around a straight white man it's just a fluke obviously.

I can forgive movies for taking some liberties with history but when the inaccuracies are this glaring it takes me out of the story too much. The racism is the more important part of the story, but the poor filmmaking is an aspect too.

That's about what Irish women have to do.

Bonus points if he triumphantly raises and Ipad with a nope octopus gif over his head.

It'll probably get more common now that TRAP laws make abortions harder to access.

A 10 month old fetus? I think you need to learn some basic biology before you can speak intelligently on this issue.

I get your point but sometimes it is an easy decision. Sometimes a woman knows immediately after she finds out that she's pregnant that she wants an abortion. And that's okay.

Frat bros were whining about mean people are to them long before this. There's a long time pattern of them pretending that fraternities are an oppressed class. Try reading for comprehension before lecturing me on reality and truth.

Sure, but that just fixes the symptom. It doesn't get at the underlying problem. Black parents have been teaching their kids how to avoid running afoul of racist cops for a very long time and it hasn't stopped these killings from happening.

Cops and POC are not equivalent groups. Criticizing the institution of policing and mistrusting cops, a group that is in a position of power and authority and all too often abuses that authority is not at all like racism because racism is about the privileged class upholding oppression against a marginalized class.