
This is the only reeducation we need.

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Maybe knight is a pretty good description of American cops. If you're a Game of Thrones it is.

She's one of my all time favorites. Her reaction to that ridiculous prayer circle was the best.

Buffy had to put off the campus mass murder episode Earshot because it's scheduled air date was just after Columbine.

I tried to watch a couple episodes of The Newsroom and couldn't ever make it through. All the trite and smug language and all the over top moralizing feels like a grown up version of Dawson's Creek.

So you're talking about college policies and not the criminal justice system? It's not like students have to be found guilty in a court of law to be punished for underaged drinking, drugs or cheating on a test. When you said "due process" that implied you were claiming that people here want alleged rapists thrown in

Considering that Jackie is not the first or only one to make a gang rape accusation against this frat, I don't consider viewing them as guilty of perpetuating rape culture as a wrong. But my larger point is that frats are hated for a reason and a history of rape is a big part of that reason. They just aren't

I saw that. I wonder if it has something to do with Cover Girl no longer being the main sponsor of the show.

Believing a rape victim is not the same as wanting to deny alleged rapists due process. I haven't seen anyone calling for that except the occasional straw feminist sockpuppet troll.

When a fashion show or a magazine spread is cast, they don't give the models "objective" scores. They just pick the models they like. I don't really see the problem with "rigged" judging because it's a little more representative of the industry. It's a reality show, not the Olympics. It doesn't need to be fair, it

The reason people have a "fuck fraternities" attitude and feel no sympathy is that whenever anyone does try to broach the subject of rape culture and frats role in it, they act with defensiveness and aggrieved entitlement. It's years of former and current frat members being part of the problem and not part of the

Talking about the importance of money doesn't really the frat's case here.

The classiest thing they could have done is put out a statement saying something like "Campus rape is a serious issue and we are happy to do our part to help solve the problem, even if it means suspending activities while things are sorted out." How does acting defensive and entitled protect their interests? It just

Ah yes, who could forget the plight of the oppressed billionaire?

Gee Pooplord (a great name indicative of your vast intellectual superiority), your script flipping and false equivalencies are quite fresh and original. I have rethought my feminism and have now come to believe that all women are lying whores.

I get why they do co-ed seasons. They want the drama of showmances. But I kind of wish that they would do one season for men and one season for women each year. Male and female modeling is apples and oranges to me.

None of the judges gave him shit for having tattoos. They did give Alina shit about hers during the cycle that McKee won. The one where they travelled to the Netherlands.

It's hyperbole. I'm fairly certain Anna Merlan doesn't seriously believe there are Alpha Centaurian news outlets covering this.

That'll fix it! And what if that picture and information isn't Jackie?

Seriously. The more Greek defenders speak, the worse they make the system look. I'm getting pretty sick of the persecution complex they have going. The worst is when they compare criticizing the Greek system to racism.