
If you've never made the argument that feminists shouldn't criticize video games because game developers have the right to make and sell whatever they want, then I'm not talking about you. If you have made that argument, then you're a hypocrite.

Reactionaries love exalting the free market and believe businesses should do whatever they want without regulation. Until a business decides not to sell a video game they like. Then it's all freeze peach tantrums.

Feminists don't actually advocate for violence against men. Every feminist I know (including myself) opposes the death penalty, is sickened by how often police gun down unarmed black men and boys, is anti-war, and believes that toxic masculinity harms men and boys in part by placing the expectation on them that

No. That's MRA propaganda. The CDC itself issued a statement saying that the research was misinterpreted and does not show that rape happens equally to men and women. They were comparing lifetime statistics for men to yearly statistics for women. Also, prison rape stats don't just cover male prisoners but female

That's every bit as disturbing as sexualized violence against female sex workers. You're not really making a good case for the game being okay. You're making a case for the game being terrible on many levels.

Oh look. Another angry dudebro who doesn't understand the difference between violence and sexualized violence. I'm shocked to see this. Shocked I tell you.

Oh, I misread. Sorry!

Thank you! I love this movie and on a recent watch believe it still holds up.

The ASOIAF fanbase can be repugnant too. Especially when it comes to discussions of Game of Thrones. There's awesome people in the fanbase (like me!) as well, but a whole lot insufferable assholes too.

I really hate this comparison. Being a geek in America is just in no way comparable to being black in America. Nobody has ever actually been oppressed for being a geek. Bullied, sure. Oppressed? No.

I don't understand how anyone can dislike the LOTR movies. Unless they just don't like fantasy at all. It just seems so nitpicky to me to take umbrage at the additional Aragorn/Arwen love stuff or the lack of Tom Bombadil. The former choice makes sense because the story is way too male dominant. The latter choice

I don't think getting upset over Twitter instituting an anti-harassment is reasonable. There are no good arguments for it. I will absolutely dismiss anyone who thinks Twitter should give them a platform to harass people.

And we come to point #1 - you don't care about justice so much as you care about bullshit senses of "superiority" and/or dominance, as reinforced by your post history, opening salvo, etc. You care about the FIGHT

I read about cat genetics on Wikipedia because I wondered why calicos are almost always female. I guess I'm a cat now.

When I read The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo I was shocked at the description of Swedish prison. It sounded like a hotel or something. I don't know why so many Americans insist on believing that being tough on crime and pitiless to the poor is the way to go. There's absolutely no evidence that it benefits society in

Or "semi-retired" old people who like to work part time to keep busy.

Don't drag Minnesota into this. We re-elected Mark Dayton and Al Franken with such a wide margin that victory was declared moments after poll closing. The Twin Cities metropolitan area is the 16th largest and the population has grown… With our recent influx of East Africans,

I'm sure he thinks spermjacking is a serious societal issue though!

You've given me no indication that your intellect is in anyway superior. All you're doing is using buzzy catchphrases like "keyboard warrior" and "my feels." If you would like to make a logical argument for why MRAs are equivalent to feminists, go ahead and make it. Until then, as long as you continue throwing

Sounds like someone missed naptime. Don't worry. I'll tell your mommy and I'm sure she'll fetch your binky for you.