
That wasn't an angry reply. That was a snarky reply. I think you've overestimated your ability to provoke me.

He's a troll. He trolls Jezebel constantly and once accused me of stalking him for making one reply to him.

What a totally original false equivalency that I've never heard before!

No. Hate groups and revenge porn are nothing to be proud of and if you think people who engage in either always suffer social consequences, you are very naïve and ignorant. The KKK still has a presence in many police forces. That goes a long way towards explaining why our criminal justice system is still so racist

Hey dipshit, did you read the whole thread? You're setting up a false choice between free speech absolutism and North Korea style repression. Grow up and put the Ayn Rand books down.

You might not want to use a right wing source to try and prove me wrong BTW. The American right is pretty staunchly anti-feminist so I don't look to them as the arbiters of real feminism either.

You don't get to be the arbiter of who is and isn't a real feminist. Cry into your neckbeard all you like about it but it isn't going to change.

The gamergater and MRA tears that have been spilled over this have been the most delicious brew I've ever experienced.

I think you missed the point sweetums. Read the entire thread and you'll see I've clarified it ad nauseam.

Apparently you are unaware of the concept of narrow laws. Not every regulation is a slippery slope to fascism. Like I said many countries such as Canada, France, Denmark, Germany and the UK have laws against hate speech and the people there don't seem terribly oppressed to me. There should always be robust debate

Free speech isn't absolute and never has been. Why would you be against banning harassment? There are laws against that out in meat space you know. And hate speech is against the law in many countries. The US is somewhat of an outlier in protecting hate speech and I'm not positive that it's a good thing we do.

Reading The Jungle will always put me off hot dogs and sausage for awhile. Too much information there. I know there are regulations now, but regulations aren't always followed and enforced too well.

But why didn't she just report it?

Don't think about it.

Tilda Swinton gif party!

It's really only possible to eat hot dogs when you don't think about it too much.

Normally I dislike the "sorry you were offended" non-apology but in this instance, I approve.

Your comment doesn't reflect reality in any way. It amuses that you think expecting a man to dress professionally and inoffensively while at work is censoring a man's interests though. So you get points for that. You must be either very young or living off a trust fund to find such an expectation shocking and

Women impacted by a hostile work environment are real and more important than some dude's desire to wear a shirt with imaginary women as decoration.