
That's a beautiful story and it gives me much holiday cheer.

Yes. Because internet posts bragging about notch counts is incontrovertible evidence of success. Nobody would lie on the internet.

Ooh! I sometime use liking that movie as a litmus test to find out if some is cool.

I've never seen it but I might have to start.

I think it works only in the sense that if you hit on 1000 women, you're bound to find a taker eventually.

Sort of like a (hopefully less annoying) female version of Ross Gellar on the early seasons of Friends?

This is why "pick up artists" insist that women love their off putting "game" even as they get rejected over and over again and are told by women that no, we don't actually get turned on by negging and sexual harassment.

My larger point was that the guys who threw tantrums when people criticized the shirt on Twitter are hypocrites because women not only are routinely criticized for their clothes, they're sometimes subjected to much worse than criticism.

Everybody knows that manfeels outweigh fact checking and journalism.

I think you answered your own question there.

I don't view criticism of sexism as equal to assault

Now playing

Your comment reminds me of this song that I love. Favorite line "my body weakens you, not me."

Is it safe to admit that you're not into Firefly on the internet? Be careful out there!

I don't want anything. It just popped into my head so I typed it. I tend to notice double standards. But you seem to be inordinately upset by my comment so I can say made it to personally annoy you if that's what you want.

Nah. Women get criticized for their clothing all the time with nary a peep from the dudebro set. They only got bent out of shape (I saw some saying it was indicative of the collapse of western civilization) when it happened to a man for a change.

Equally appalling? People saying "that shirt is offensive and ill advised considering the bad reputation the STEM fields have for being hostile to women" is nowhere near equivalent to assaulting someone for thinking their clothes are too revealing.

And don't forget Firefly. This shuffling around of episodes tells me the show never really had a chance and is going to get axed. It's too bad because I've been liking it.

Yes. Your victim blaming and deflection and JAQing off that I've seen a thousand times before is simply too advanced for my ladybrainz to comprehend. You just keep telling yourself that.

Now you've moved on to criticizing Deadspin. When you're finished with that are you finally going to get around to actually criticizing the one who was behaving creepily?