
I wonder if all the dudebros enraged at how mean feminists are for mildly criticizing Matt Taylor's sexist shirt will be coming around here to defend Khan's right to dress however she wants without being assaulted by a misogynist douchebag.

I find it odd that despite the fact that he pulled the same shit with multiple other women, you're choosing to fixate on her behavior instead of his.

Both men and women can become physically aroused while being raped. I'm not sure if there are stats out there for men, but in women it happens about a quarter of the time. Some people's genitals will just do that involuntarily. Arousal does not equal consent.

People aren't always thinking clearly when confronted with a predator. Sometimes people are just sort of shocked and freeze up. That's why "yes means yes" is so important and such a better catch phrase than "no means no." We need to stop conflating not fighting back with consent.

Just as rapists target the drunk partiers, they also probably target people with mental health and/or substance abuse issues. These are two groups that are less likely to be believed.

My point is that judges are perfectly capable of upholding rape culture. Just because the judge believes she made a false accusation, doesn't mean she did. That judge could very well be a sexist, racist Islamophobe.

People want to stop rape, particularly the people in our judicial system. I'm genuinely sorry you don't recognize this.

It kind of sounds like they're mostly targeting women of color/immigrants for this. Am I right in assuming this? Any British Jezzies who have been following this here?

Because a simple "no thanks" always works on creeps. Thank the gods you're here to give us this brilliant solution.

Youneek and forduckssake (who are possibly the same person) are already shitting all over the place. Flag and dismiss everyone!

There's not enough stars in the world for this post. And there's not enough "fuck you" in the world for the "just go to the police" crowd.

Even when a man is the one behaving badly, it's still somehow always the woman's fault isn't it?

Men and women don't need to stop interacting in general, but I think you should probably cease any interactions with women. You clearly think men aren't capable of connecting with women in a way that isn't creepy and predatory.

It's like the Always Sunny episode in which Dennis goes to a pro-choice rally to pick up women.

They're not? What's next? Are you going to tell me Orcs, Elves, Klingons, Vulcans and White Walkers are also fiction? Why must fantasy and sci-fi force all that diversity on us where it isn't natural?

Plus, we already have a fantasy character associated with KFC. We don't need another.

I once got into an argument with someone who was trolling this site. He was whining about how the Thor movies appropriate Norse culture and it was offensive of them to cast Elba. I told him that I'm actually of Norwegian and Swedish ancestry and not offended at all by that casting. He called me a traitor for that.