
Ooh. A condescending dig at Jezebel commenters. So creative!

Nobody is trying to claim that Michael Brown is hero. Actually, what we're saying is that a black person shouldn't have to be prove himself to be perfect in order to not deserve being murdered by the cops. By pointing out that we shouldn't protest Brown's death because he wasn't a saint, you are a huge part of the

Did you just compare cops who shoot unarmed people (or just enable it) to rape victims? Fuck you.

Apparently shoplifting cigarillos is deserving of the death penalty but as long you're white, no amount of unethical behavior is enough to discredit you.

It's cute that he's pretending there's no racism in Venezuela. Therefore being part Venezuelan means he can't possible be racist. There's anti-black racism in South America too.

Oh good. A troll who thinks that it's the people who notice the use of racist dog whistles who are the real racists. I just can never get enough of those!

Apparently he thinks black people don't buy cars, beer, movie tickets, etc. They just steal everything!

I suppose you think Bailey and Britt deserve to be shot and killed too? Just going by the usual police brutality apologist logic.

It used to be that people saw Neanderthals as primitive and stupid compared to modern humans. Then genetic testing revealed that people of European descent have some Neanderthal DNA while people of African descent do not. Modern humans migrated to Europe while Neanderthals still lived there and they intermingled

I'm glad you have a support system to help you. My only advice is to try not to feel guilty about whatever anger or resentment you might still feel towards your mother. Or if you feel numb. It's a complicated situation and there's no wrong to way to go through the grieving process. Just feel what you feel.

The #notyourshield tag is chock full of white male 4Chan/8Chan members who are socking as women and POC. There are screencaps of them coaching each other on how to sock. They "SJWs" hate cishet white men and love everyone else so they believe that if pro GG stuff comes from a woman or POC, those of us who oppose

One of my cats is actually willing to go on a leash and I take him outside on it occasionally. He's unusually easy going for a cat though. My other cat freaked out when I tried to put the leash on and take her out.

There are few novels that don't deal with feelings at all. Maybe some sci-fi like Asimov's Foundation series. But that's about it.

Same. I've got no problem reading books about relationships or family but I don't like sappy goopy romances at all. I do like V.C. Andrews as a guilty pleasure and maybe that's chick lit, but otherwise, no.

High Fidelity by Nick Hornby. I don't know if I'd call it a romance exactly, but it is about a relationship.

Well then, happy Thanksgiving!

I like you too!


I can't cosign this. That bottle is too small.

So? Rape is rape. College students who are rapists will find a way to rape. They don't magically become rapists because alcohol is present. They rape because they're rapists. Futile efforts to get college students not to drink won't change that.