
I'm actually really enjoying this show and think it shows a lot of promise. It always takes a little bit of time for these sorts of shows to settle in and become can't miss stuff. I hope NBC gives it a chance build some momentum before unceremoniously dumping it.

I have three thoughts.

How about instead of encouraging women to walk around toting guns like a soldier in enemy territory you encourage men not to harass women. It would be better if neighborhoods were actually safe for everyone. You're just suggesting we add to the violence.

I see you've moved the goalposts in order to more effectively victim blame.

Okay. Interesting. So I guess it follows that catcalling must be worse in HI than any other state. Since an armed society is a polite society and all that. Or maybe not. Catcalling isn't ranked nationally but homicide rates are and Hawaii had the second lowest in 2013.

It's so adorable that you're trying this hard and reaching this much to attempt to make this post misandric. It's really chapping your hide to see evidence that feminists don't actually hate men isn't it?

I see at least one guy that looks to be grabbing his genitals.

Somebody should make a Freaky Friday sequel in which a man who doesn't comprehend the impact of street harassment switches bodies with his girlfriend and has to experience it first hand.

Nope. You're not wrong. Ben Schwarz seems like a great guy and I'm always happy to have male allies on this issue. They're few and far between. But the word of the countless women who've been speaking out should've been enough for people.

Who made you the arbiter of who is and is not a real feminist?

The Manson family weren't actually hippies. Manson never once identified as one and his ideals were not the ideals of hippies. I don't really see the point of that analogy.

The capitalization of random words is a trolling dead giveaway. So is putting the word 'feminist' in scare quotes. His own words condemn him.

Now I like Natalie Dormer even more. House Tyrell for life!

Why did you randomly capitalize a bunch of words? I've asked this of other trolls, but do you guys have a handbook that instructs you to do this or something? I really don't get it.

That's probably just because you've taught your kids traditional gender roles and because of the way toys are marketed these days. When I was a kid my brother and I shared toys all the time. I like girly things like Barbie and My Little Pony but my brother loved the ponies too. So did my cousin who is a guy. Even

Sounds to me like you're just looking for a convenient excuse to be for the status quo. You don't think toys should be inclusive for both boys and girls because Anita Sarkeesian hurts your little manchild feelings? Really?

Gamergate started with a harassment campaign against Zoe Quinn. The focus was purely on her sex life. The "ethics in journalism" stuff was added in later as a cover. This has been known for months. Gamergate is not a legit movement that got corrupted by misogynists. It has always been all about misogyny.

Most of the Freys are worthless but Fat Walda fucking rules.