
Even though I didn't read the books until after the 1st season aired I managed to avoid spoilers and didn't know the RW was coming. But I still knew he was doomed the second he was crowned. That was the only time a major plot twist was really obvious to me.

Killing Robb, okay. I can see why that would be valid according to in-universe morals. But killing thousands of northerners along with him was wrong. So was violating guest right. Guest right is the only thing that allows diplomacy to occur. Without it, meeting with an enemy is too dangerous.

I wonder if it goes back further than that. L Frank Baum was pro-feminism and in the second Oz book Jinjur and her all girl army decide it's time for women to rule and they conquer the Emerald City with knitting needles.

I think he was allowed to keep his station because he is a Lannister. Tywin's favorite at that. Robert Baratheon hold on the throne was fragile because the rebellion was controversial and he needed the Lannister power and money to keep it. There was no way he could execute Jaime for oathbreaking or regicide.

I didn't see it as arrogance. I thought he was trying to spare his friends from being in the position to also have to make the terrible choice he had to make.

Little Women is actually a pretty mediocre book. I think even Louisa May Alcott would agree. She wrote that book purely for the paycheck and although it was well written as far as sappy schlock goes, it was still sappy schlock.

Yeah, rape culture flourishes precisely because women's bodies are seen as commodities.

It's absolutely disgusting that victims of violent crime have to raise money to get their medical bills covered.

One of the best scenes of the whole series!

A lot of people have already submitted Buffy and Angel characters already, but who doesn't love Spangel? By the way, the Google image results for Spangel are hilarious.

I liked it too. I'm the older and only sister to my autistic brother and once my parents die or get too senile to help take care of him, I'll have to do it. I can relate to Buffy both loving her sister and wanting to take care of her and feeling burdened and resentful about it at the same time.

I feel kind of guilty for being born 10 days late.

I love Our Lady of Cheetos. PHG is great too. My mom has a ginger tabby cat and I sometimes call him Prince Cute Ginge!

That was my first thought too. He's the only reason I even know who the Duchess of Alba is. Let's just hope that Shauna "Empress of Lucite" Sand doesn't meet and untimely end.

I wonder if that's where Gossip Girl got a similar plot line.

UVA looks bad. That's the real tragedy here. Not the rapes or the rape culture.

I thought precious kind of worked. It sounded like bitter sarcasm.

I could never imagine doing that to a friend. What the fuck is wrong with people?

Bros need other bros to drink with. Don't you know how important that is? Think of the menz please. How else are they going to find friends?

Lady brains are too stupid to think of just going the police! Thank god we have a man around to tell us to do that. We never could have come up with in on our own.