
And one other thing, often times the police themselves rape women while on duty. Particularly women of color. Don't you fucking tell rape victims how to do things to your satisfaction. Write to your elected officials and tell them to fix the system so that police take rape allegations seriously and are held

Jameis Winston's victim went to the police and they discouraged her from pursuing charges. The New Orleans police are in the news for not thoroughly investigating rape even going so far as to dismiss a toddler for not providing excellent testimony. It took intervention from Anonymous to get the Steubenville police


Yeah. Richard Madden is stunningly gorgeous but there's nothing particularly sexy about the book version. Especially considering that he's only 15. No thanks. Give me some Jaime Lannister instead.

I'm for all the Brad Pitts.

Also this

The charts I saw had the fertility rate increasing slowly but steadily over the past 15 years, but I only looked at the first few Google results so I'm not defending this to the death or anything.

Good point about the vehicle. I've read that too. It's hard to shoot a moving target, so even if the driver has a gun you're better off just running.

That's not true. It's equally offensive to all rape survivors.

I mean, from what I've read lots of experts on sex crimes actually recommend that you not fight back because it can be the difference between being raped or being raped and murdered. I've always told myself that if I'm ever being raped I'll fight back in hopes of getting injured so it will be harder for the rapist to

That's an extremely common flaw in sci-fi and fantasy. Just off the top of my head it's true of Star Wars, ASOIAF/Game of Throne, Lord of the Rings and every single fairy tale.

Despite the many strong, cool female characters, gender roles in universe were depicted as being similar to the time they were written in. People were surprised that Bayta and Toran had a pretty egalitarian relationship. There weren't really female characters in military or trader roles. At least not that I

Gender switching Starbuck for the BSG reboot worked out very well. I don't see any reason why the characters can't be gender switched. There's no real evidence that any particular character trait or skill set is inherently male or female. I'm sure it will piss off a few sexist and immature fanboys, but overall

Very true but I think for TV they'll need to add more character development. I just hope it's done well.

Yeah, that would be nice. I don't think Asimov was a misogynist at all but the trilogy had a depiction of gender roles that was very much a product of its time. I think it would be pretty easy to switch the genders of some characters, do color blind casting and maybe make one or more of the characters gay or bi. I

I know : ( I used to get so excited when the show came on. I called it "The Duck Bill Show" for some reason.

I would love another Ted Haggard in a hotel room with meth and a male prostitute type scandal. That was my favorite all time scandal.

I'm not usually into violence but I kind of hope you kicked him in the nuts.

I'll be a missed opportunity if he's not cast as Wyman Manderly in Game of Thrones.

I'd say women putting purses and bags in the seat next to them is just as prevalent as leg spreading men. At least in the Twin Cities. But, I've never seen a woman put her bag on someone sitting next to her. Leg spreading men put their leg on their seatmates all the time.