
Interesting that for all your claims to being not a liberal or conservative all the arguments you have made are straight out of the right wing pundit playbook. By making all the Koch bother sanctioned arguments while pretending to be neutral and objective you are proving my point.

No I don't concede that point and legislating wages isn't what the Lily Ledbetter act does.

Who made you the arbiter of what the top 100 problems are? And why are we only allowed to discuss those?

This definitely needs to be bookmarked to show the "just go to the police! So simple!" crowd.

What's difficult to understand? Do you not know the effects of date rape drugs?

They're so cute how they think they have such a great impact on our lives.

As someone who hates dealing with street harassment and finds it an important issue and also manages to find the time to work for a labor rights org, I invite you to go fuck yourself with a dildo made of Legos.

What are you talking about? My point was that just as feminism doesn't need to work for the privileged class (men) the LGBTQ movement doesn't need to work for the privileged class (cishet people). Where are you getting that I'm claiming there's no discrimination against gay people? Where are you getting that I'm

Tyrion Lannister.

This was the most obvious choice for me. His entire arc both in Buffy and Angel revolve around it. There'd be no story to tell about at him all if he was able to be happy and love.

Yeah, admittedly I was just making an assumption that the article was pushing the "teach the controversy" line of bullshit about evolution and creationism. I have no problem with the Bible or any other religious text being included in literature or social science curriculum as long as it and Christianity isn't

Cool story bro.

It's true. I probably cry ten times an hour. I also castrated a man in a feminazi rage yesterday because he didn't lay down his coat so I wouldn't have to walk over the snow. Wimmenz be crazy.

Wait. People think they're feminist figures? What?

I think she meant the discussion of whether or not the joke was racist was exhausting. But it was still a shitty comment. White people can't possibly be as exhausted talking about racism as POC are about you know, actually constantly experiencing racism. Just a wild guess!

I wish I remembered which post it was on so I could find it, but we had a commenter on here doing just that some months ago. Going on and on about loving black cock but not mentioning the people whom said cocks are attached to at all. It was so creepy. Needless to say, she got all offended when people pointed out

I took as self aware humor. Idiots make jokes about Kardashians liking to date and/or marry black men all the time. Why anyone should care or find it amusing, I don't know. I thought by posting that meme they were making fun of the fact that people think them being with black men is a big deal? I could be wrong

That makes me feel a little better for laughing when I saw it. I could see someone getting offended because it makes light of the KKK though. Either way, I'm white and am sure as shit not telling any black person that should be offended or shouldn't be offended by it.

It's like an episode of Dawson Creek. The lessons in class are always so relevant to whatever is going on. I didn't think that happened in real life. It never happened to me!