
Have you actually read the comments? We're all more mocking and eyerolling at TIME and 4Chan than getting outraged and upset.

You silly thing. Women aren't people. Now go back to kitchen, make some sandwiches and stop imagining you can think.

Because the word humanist already means something and it's a separate concept from feminism. Of course, one can be both feminist and humanist but they aren't synonyms. I think you meant to say egalitarian but that doesn't quite cut it either. We have the feminist movement because men have always been the most

Why the bible should be taught in school? Ick.

Declaring yourself above the fray by not picking a side or deeming both sides bad has the effect of helping the side of the privileged. The privileged side has the power already and if their side isn't fought they will win. Not getting involved and not picking side is actually siding with the privileged because it's

American Horror Story hasn't been hurt by an anthology format. The show has numerous flaws, but changing characters and settings haven't driven the audience away.

I think all The Mule stuff could actually translate well. If Mule is well cast anyway.

Why should the man be responsible for a child when there is complete other option? The woman has control of that decision once the mistake has been made and I think both parents should have those options.

You just can't stand that there's this one area men aren't in complete control of can you?

People who commit or attempt to commit suicide aren't always mentally ill. Who are you to diagnose a stranger on the internet? It hurts people with mental illnesses to armchair diagnose violent criminals as it adds to the stigma around mental illnesses. It's best to just not go there.

Laws that punish women for doing drugs while pregnant actually end up doing more harm than good. Addicts will stop seeking prenatal care at all for fear they will be arrested. We should be encouraging pregnant women to make healthy choices and offering free treatment for pregnant addicts. Making moral judgments is

That's awful. It's fashionable to hate the English (and there are good reasons, the British empire was often terrible) but right now I'm pleased to have far more English ancestry than Irish.

No. Child support isn't meant to be a punishment to men or a benefit to women. It's there to make sure both parents are providing financially for the child. Once the kid is born, he or she has to fed, housed and clothed and given medical care. That takes money. If the parents aren't doing it, the government has

Mental illness doesn't cause criminality. Mentally ill people are actually more likely to be the victims of crime than the perpetrators. There's no need to internet diagnose him.

Better hope this isn't cross posted. If it is you'll be inundated with aggrieved bros who will spend hours mansplaining to you about how "bitch" isn't misogynistic.

No this site is filled with people who think anyone who tries to beat someone to death is bad. All decent people believe that trying to murder someone is bad. Whether Mack is a good person or not isn't even relevant because there is no excuse for murdering someone. Whatever one thinks about whether or not acting in

Saving that gif. It will applicable in so many situations. Thanks for posting it!

Yeah, that's pretty much it. Oh well. At least thanks to an Io9 commenter I have a perfect gif to express how I've felt the last week between dudebros and shitty election returns.

No. I comment once in a while but am not an approved blogger there.

To be fair, the worst of it definitely comes from the trolls. But yeah, a lot of commenters there seem to think gender should only be discussed on Jezebel and nowhere else on GM. It's ridiculous.