
That's why I love them.

I think this cat is related to my cat Darrow. I sleep with the radio on and he's figured out to work the volume. If I don't get out of bed to feed him quickly enough in the morning he'll turn it up to ear splitting levels so I wake up.

I didn't read the books until after the first season and I loved the pilot. I was a bit confused when they showed Jaime and Cersei were siblings, but surely they aren't because they're doing it? In the second episode it finally sunk in that it was, in fact twincest.

I too watched it with extremely low expectations and loved it.

I also liked Sansa lying with the truth by revealing her identity to the Vale lords in order to protect Littlefinger. It's pretty clear in the books that her arc is leading towards her learning to play the game of thrones and being pretty good at it too. But her progress is so excruciatingly slow in the books. I'm

They also don't get any federal benefits. No social security. No Medicare. No VA. No unemployment. No funds for schools or roads. Nothing. I can pretty much guarantee that those bootstrapping state's rights fuckers would be begging to come back within months.


You're making quite an assumption. I don't think anyone of any gender should get shit for 20 years for making a mistake at age 22. It's just that in our culture, it tends to be only women that get slut shamed constantly.

Didn't you know that feminism means all women are perfect and not allowed to make a mistake or ever fail to be strong?

Wait. It's insulting to women to not slut shame them? What?

*waves at you from Minneapolis*

Let's also stop pretending that NYC and San Francisco are the only places in the whole country where there are gay couples who are largely accepted. There are lots of gay people in my city, Minneapolis and nobody I know thinks being gay is a huge deal or that unusual. Even my conservative Catholic 89 year old

I agree. When I lost a bunch of weight due to an eating disorder, I got all smug about it and said some pretty terrible things. Really I just hated myself and my body and tried to make myself feel better by saying mean things about fat people. It didn't work and I still feel guilty about it 10 years later.

Queen of the Damned belongs in this category. Although Children of Man was a good movie, it could probably fit this too.

Her name is Dracarys. I don't know if you read ASOIAF/watch Game of Thrones, but it means "dragonfire" and it's the word Daenerys uses to command her dragons to flame things. Definitely naughty!

I'm sorry I don't have the power to lift this out of the greys. It doesn't belong down here.

Nothing should be compared to the holocaust besides other genocides. Of course, they view abortion as genocide so it would be just about impossible to get them to see how offensive the abortion = the holocaust comparison is.

Nice ableism there. You've really done a fine job convincing us that you have the moral ground when you use "retarded" as an insult.

A "pro-choice" person who just happens to use the same language and arguments of the anti-choice crowd. Were you born yesterday? Poop is an anti-choicer pretending to be neutral while just magically happening to disagree with us pro-choicers on everything. This is a common troll tactic.